- 20 - Plans for the future

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{Chonlatee's POV}

I came to the hall room to stop my mother from attacking Akk with questions and he was really standing in front of her with a bouquet of light pink roses. Wait... now mom can steal him from me!

"It's nice to meet you, Ma'am-." She hugged him with the bouquet and I hoped she wouldn't strangle him.

"Aww, you are as amazing as Chon told me! Not like that rude boy... I won't mention his name. I hope my son doesn't trouble you much!" She chose her favorite already.

"Not at all! In fact... it was me making him worry but I'm grateful for his patience..."

"Chon has always been so kind! Even as a kid he shared his sweets with me when I was sad, right honey?"

"You don't have to tell him this mom-!"

"I have to show you my album with all of his photos! As a baby, he was-."

"Mom!" She looked at me and stopped.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you might be tired after school... Chon told me you are still in high school."

"Yes, I'm going to graduate in spring but I plan to do the entrance exams to Chonlatee's university." He's more formal with her.

"I must be dreaming! Chon, how did you get him?! Who taught you those tactics?!" She was shaking me but couldn't get anything out of me.

"Seriously, I already thought about going to Suppalo to also get some boy... Akk, can you introduce me to your friends?" Akk and I stayed quiet. Right, she doesn't know.

"I would like to but they actually date each other."

"So you want to tell me that there are more gay couples in your school..." Akk nodded and she grinned.

"I'm gonna need a camera then... is there a way to fool the guard?"

"I can just show you a photo of them."

"Or this! I don't want to end up in prison because of that!" She would even die for that. Prison is still nothing.

In the kitchen, Pang and mom occupied him and Pang was looking at his phone.

"They are so hot! What is their story?!"

"Come on, Pang! If they dated girls, you wouldn't even listen to Akk." She frowned at me.

"Everyone has some weird kinks, should I tell them what you were doing with Tonhon's pho-." I quickly shut her mouth.

"I know what I'd do with it." Mom clenched her fist and I was afraid that she'd really get into a fight with him if she saw him.

While mom and Pang were having a discussion, I gave Akk his serving.

"You had time to cook?"

"My classes were exceptionally cancelled today so I've done some chores. What about you, Akk? Weren't teachers harsh at you?"

"No... actually, we weren't studying that much today because Teacher Sani and Teacher Chadok were arguing with the headmaster and the commission. Both sides were having different opinions. I was there as well as the main prefect and had to testify everything which school made me do to students... I was afraid that it'd have consequences but... Teacher Chadok took all the blame. The commission were on our side and were against the authoritative approach from the headmaster's side. Next week Teacher Chadok will be officially appointed as our new headmaster."

"That's great! At least you'll have less work, right? And... did you feel anxious?"

"Yes, when I was talking but... I wasn't alone so it wasn't so bad." I'm glad he's getting better but he still should talk to the professional. Miriam sent me the number so I just have to call.

Born To Meet You | AkkChon | FirstKhaotung fanfiction Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt