The calm before the storm

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The pillar singlehandedly maintaining Seraphina's peace of mind -namely Christophe Brown- remained in the manor for four more days. Partly because he wanted to, but mostly because she did.

"Are you certain you must leave today? As in right this moment? As in the sun has risen a quarter of an hour ago and the weather is horrendously nasty?"

It was windy and cloudy in the morning. The trees swayed rhythmically, and the ground was covered in dancing leaves. As Seraphina led the man out of the manor, she had goosebumps on her arms. They came to a stop in front of a regal bay horse that was saddled and ready to go. Chris cinched the scarf over his neck with one hand while holding the rains in the other.

He tightened the girth and gave her a serious look, "It is literally half past ten."

"I'm sorry Seph but I do need to leave today. Now. Besides, I planned to leave on Monday. It is now Wednesday; and my last opportunity to see Charles. I've already extended my leave far enough. Now that you're back to your lovely self, you can take care of yourself, I'm sure."

He turned to face her while grinning and extending his left arm.

Seraphina chose to roll her eyes while slipping under his arm and hugging him since she knew she wouldn't be able to persuade her friend to stay any longer.

"Thank you, Chris. You are the greatest friend a person could have," she spoke softly, bare honesty and gratefulness shining through her voice.

"Yes, I know," he acknowledged in the same voice, grinning brightly as the girl pushed him away in jest. "Seph, you will handle everything. I know it.

"How can you know for sure?"

He shrugged, explaining, "Because I always know everything for sure and I have yet to be proven wrong about anything." Seraphina furrowed her brows with a playful grin.

"How about the time you attempted to jump ou..."

"Fine. I am rarely to be proven wrong. Regardless, always bear in mind that you're my best friend and the God's anointed one, so you are obliged to be amazing," he remarked as he climbed up onto the saddle. As she observed him tighten the reins, Seraphina nodded.

"You're sure you can't stay any longer?" she asked knowing the answer.

"That I cannot do. We can't let 'Snarls' wait longer than absolutely necessary."

"Snarly Karl, of course," she gasped, her eyes wide, "I haven't heard about him in a while. How is he doing? Does he still hate me?"

"I wouldn't say hate per se, nobody could hate you."


"And I cannot speak for him..."

"Oh my! He does! He really still does, doesn't he? After three years..." She exclaimed in disbelieve.

"He could have some aversion and..."

"Ridiculous. He is a ridiculous person," she chuckled shaking her head.

"...antipathy for you."

She looked up at him and patted the horse's neck.

"Chris, we definitely can't keep Snarly Karl waiting."

"I'm afraid not."

"I can only hope you practiced your Dutch," she covered her face with her hands as they both shook with laughter and uncontrollable giggles.

"Seigneur aie pitie de moi!"

"This is wonderfully silly. Please, Chris, you just have to give him my special regards, je t'en supplie and tell me everything."

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