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"Seraphina remembered to not pass the river with the blue flowers if you do that's passing our territory."

"Yes, father. you've told me many times I'm not a little girl anymore."

I left before he could tell me anything else, but knowing that this was the last time I would see him and my mother plus my clan. This made me regret my decision on going to pick flowers. why flowers you ask well my mother loves flowers I decided to go and pick some fresh flowers for her today

As I was walking away I heard my father for the last time

"Make sure you home before dinner your mom is cooking your favorite rocoto with cotta "

"Yes Father I'll be back Don't worry I'm just getting flowers for Mom and some herbs"

he sighed and we said our last goodbyes. the last goodbye I would get from him

walking away made me think why do I have to stay away from the blue flowers I always wanted to get my mom one of them but they always warned me every time I went out on my own but every time I went alone nothing happened maybe it'll be the same. I'll see for myself.

as I reached the top of the hill I saw the blue flowers from a distance and began to descend since I didn't see or hear anything that could harm me.

before putting the herbs and flowers in my bag I heard screams from a distance and the screams came from my clan. instead of grabbing what I came for, I went toward the screams, and what I saw shocked me. shocked me to where I ran with the flowers and herbs and from I saw it made me drop what was in my hands I wanted to scream but couldn't because I had to hide from the humans

they came onto our territory and are attacking  us Well they are killing us one by one and I don't know what to do

they have trespassed on Alkali land and are killing my people Yes I said my people my father is the king of the Alkali my mother is the queen so that makes me the princess.

I sneaked in and ran passed the body. all I saw were bodies and blood everywhere I needed to find my parents. I ran towards my house hoping they would be there hoping they would be okay.

let's just say I came to a stop when I heard a grunt coming from the left side of my body. I slowly turned and saw a bunch of debris. after wondering what the noise was it happened again I heard a grunt so I slowly walked to the mess and started to move some of it and noticed it was one of the alkali guards. he was injured I went to help him but as he saw who was helping him he immediately made me stop and told me in a rushed tone

"No princess! you need to run. Run! you must run now or they will capture you and kill you."

"Did they kill my parents already"

"Yes, Your Highness. you need to go they've passed through here already. Leave. Run. Run before they come back. blend in we will find you when the time is right for now your bloodline needs to stay alive. blend in with the humans as long as you can fool them for a century then we are good. be safe Your Highness."

he showed me away before saying

"Go before someone sees you and then you are killed. go and hide."

After hearing those words I stood up and looked up and looked around then began to run were the field of blue flowers where I needed to pass the river. My father told me not to pass the river so many times because that was human territory but now I have to blend in and be one.

I ran and ran until I saw the blue flowers and the river all together I crossed over and began my new life. my new path that I have to take on my own. well here goes nothing It's time to be in the human world. It's time for me to blend in. Be like a human and not Alkali.

father and Mother, please help me survive in this new world I'm about to live in. We Alkali age very slowly, and I'm afraid that I will change town to town and city to city versus going from country to country next.

please guide me in the years to come.

please guide me in the years to come

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