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5 CENTURIES later 520 of age

my appearance still has not changed. You wonder why well let's just say that unlike many humans my species, well we don't age like humans. we age very slowly and when I moved to the human world I noticed that some noticed that as well, so I moved a lot during the time I was in the States especially when most of my friends began to age and I didn't. everyone wanted to know how I still looked so young for my age, but I always gave them a summed-up number since I'm over 500 years old. most want to know my age, As far as I can tell you I am 32 in human years but I hardly look like it. reasons saying is because when I left my family and the clan I was 19 and nearly about to turn 20 in four months but everyone says I look like I'm in my mid 20's so I'm like in between, but now I'm returning home and years have gone by and I have traveled around the world.

I traveled to where no human would think of me as an ALKALI. traveled from country to country and city to city. Making sure no one finds out who I am but now after 5 centuries I am moving back home and seeing for myself how they treat and talk about my kind before I decide to bring my people back together.

Traveling made me see people from a different perspective. some were mean and some were nice. when I didn't have a home a nice young woman helped me to get on my feet get a job and find a place to live. I was young and she taught me a lot of things and I also taught her things too but then I had to say my goodbyes just like the rest and all the others over the past 500 years.

there is no cure for this slow aging and it's one of them. the curses we alkali have to deal with if we are all alone like a black sheep or lone wolf. unless we finally find our love but other than that  we are alone but still have friends and our parents.

from living in the US to Asia then Europe, and now I'm back in my hometown SALIDA COLORADO, but everything looks different now. some roads were never here before some buildings, and even houses were made towards the river.

when I decided to move back here I decided to buy a house by the river which is close to my home, and to my surprise the price was pretty high but I'm not complaining its where the house is built is literally by the river I have a lot of land which stretches out far to where I have my privacy.

driving past all the people and past town. I finally started to see the dirt road I needed to drive down but before I could get halfway I saw something red in a box on the side of the road

literally in the middle of nowhere, just a box in the middle of the street and me. what do I do? I pulled up towards the box and rolled down my window and what I saw next surprised me.

Two babies. two human babies. Their not ALAKLI THEY ARE HUMAN!



I heard crying coming from the babies I didn't know what to do, but I couldn't leave them here all defenseless, so I grabbed both of them and as soon as that happened they both calmed down and looked at me.

as they started at me each gave a different reaction but the same eyes

"Why do both of y'all have to be so adorable."


I couldn't leave them here The mother just dropped them off like trash plus I'm far from town, but the the other hand I would be breaking the # 1 rule we alkali have and that's not caring for another human or interacting with one. well, that's too but the interaction I had to, to live but taking care of one is a no-no. especially 2 I would be breaking a sacred rule for sure.

but their harmless and soon they would grow up and be beautiful young ladies. oh by the way did I mention they are twin girls?

Present YearR 2023 age 535

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