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Marinette went to Adrien's room, opening the door. What she found was Adrien, curled up in his bed, dressed in a cat onesie and sniffling. There was a trashcan full of tissues next to him. "Adrien? What's wrong?" Marinette asked. Adrien clearly didn't feel good. He was hunched over, his cheeks were flushed, and he was shivering despite wearing a warm cat onesie.

Marinette approached the bed, her heart beating at a crazy pace in her chest. This was the closest she had ever been to him! Marinette had to hold back her urge to pounce. "Adrien, what's wrong?" she asked, feeling a strange mixture of pity and jealousy for his predicament. His cheeks were flushed as if he had just been feverish, and even though he was wearing a soft and warm cat onesie, he was still shivering underneath. "Adrien!" she called, but nothing could stop her curiosity, as she reached out with her hand to touch his shoulder.

"Adrien, can you tell me what's wrong?" She asked again. "I... I don't feel very good..." Adrien whispered, his muffled voice trembling inside his cat onesie. His breathing was labored, and a faint feverish sweat covered his pale face. His cheeks were still flushed, and Marinette noticed his eyes were bloodshot and watery. "Where does it hurt?" She asked. "My head feels really... fuzzy," Adrien muttered, his voice still barely audible coming through his cat onesie. He leaned back against his pillow, looking up at Marinette with a weak smile. "And my... my tummy hurts too."

"Can you breathe okay?" She asked. "It's a little hard to breathe," Adrien whispered, wincing at the pain of talking. He sounded a lot worse than he looked, and Marinette was starting to worry that he might be genuinely sick. "It hurts to breathe... and the inside of my head feels so... fuzzy... and my tummy... oh, it hurts..."
"Is your nose stuffy?" She asked. "Yeah... I think so," Adrien nodded a little, but he was still too weak to stand up and get a tissue. His nose was definitely stuffy, but he was much too miserable to care about that right now. "And... my throat is all scratchy too."

"Poor thing. Is your throat okay?" She asked. It truly seemed like Adrien was in awful pain. "Not really..." Adrien whispered, his head sinking lower against his pillow. He shifted his position slightly, and even though he looked so fragile, Marinette knew she couldn't abandon him like this. Something about the situation was very off-putting. "It hurts when I swallow..." he said, his voice just barely audible. "I... don't feel so good..."

"Does anything else hurt?" She asked. "I feel achy all over..." he whispered, a slight moan escaping his lips. His forehead was burning with fever, and he closed his eyes, as if too exhausted from talking. "And just... really tired... and dizzy." Marinette was getting worried about Adrien. He looked to be in a very fragile state. "I know it hurts. Can I get you anything?" She asked.

"I'm thirsty..." he mumbled, his eyes remaining shut. He seemed too tired to stay focused on Marinette, but his request seemed simple enough so she got right up and headed for the kitchen. She came back with a tall glass of water, and gently lifted his chin so that he could have a sip. He opened his eyes to take a drink and smiled weakly at her. "Thank you," he whispered.

"You're welcome. Do you feel any better?" She asked. "A bit... yeah..." he whispered, shifting his position slightly. He still felt so worn-out. "It's just so... hard to breathe..." he muttered, struggling to push himself up against his pillow. He felt like he was losing the will to fight off this sickness, and maybe it was Marinette's imagination, but she swore she could see him visibly shivering. She laid her hand on his head again. 

Adrien shivered slightly, but made no attempt to remove Marinette's hand. Her touch was warm, and Marinette could feel his forehead burning with fever. "Thank you," he whispered weakly. There was something endearing about the way he was so powerless to the pain and discomforts of his own body. He was so weak, but Marinette had to try and save him, right? "Adrien, you feel really warm...and you're so pale," she explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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