Chapter 5

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My eyes hurt when I tried to open them that morning. It was the day of the Yule Ball. I felt exhausted from crying for hours last night. Before I could open my curtains and face people I pretended that everything was alright. I was used to doing this but this time it was harder. No one even noticed.

I ate breakfast and lunch with everyone like I usually did. At one point while everyone was running around getting ready for the ball I made myself invisible. I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of fire whiskey. They had already been charmed to refill themselves automatically. I found a hiding spot to put them in, in the Astronomy Tower for later tonight.

When I had about three hours before the ball would start. I took a quick shower. I magically dried my hair quickly since I took a long-needed shower. I did my hair and makeup by hand. I went for a more natural glowing makeup. I curled my long brown hair. I quickly put my heels on before slipping into my dress. I had told Fred I would meet him down at the Great Hall so he didn't have to wait for me.

I was the last to leave the dorm. I slowly made my way downstairs, careful not to trip and fall.

When I made it to the last set of stairs I paused before continuing down to meet up with everyone. When I finally made it down the final step I heard people whispering around me. I wasn't paying too much attention to it. I saw McGonagall talking to Harry and his date.

Fred was waiting by the door. I somehow snuck up on him even in heels.

"Hey Fred," I said quietly behind him.

"Geeze Aurora did you have to scare me like that," he said as if he was going to have a heart attack. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He looked me up and down. "Wow. You look very nice," he said with a nervous gulp.

"You look very nice as well," I said back. "Is Fred Weasley getting nervous yet again?" I asked devilously.

"Me? No," he said trying to play it off but it didn't work on me.

We walked in and met up with George and Angelina.

"You look really nice Angelina," I said while taking a seat.

"So do you Aurora," she responded.

We stood clapping as the champions made their entrance walking straight to the dance floor. After they started dancing, Dumbledore soon entered dancing with McGonagall. That was the signal that everyone else could enter.

I grabbed onto Fred as we started the traditional dance. Dancing alongside everyone else.

After the dance ended everyone clapped. A rock song started playing next. After that, it was pretty much party music. The four of us hung out and laughed a lot. I kept looking at the boys when no one was looking. They looked really nice.

Once dinner was served the four of us made our way off the dance floor and back to our table to eat.

"How's your night going, Angelina?" I asked her.

"Very good. How about yours?"

"Same as well." It still hurt knowing Fred and I were only going as friends.

After we finished eating we went back to dancing.

Hours later people were slowly leaving. They played a slow song. I looked at Fred and we nodded in agreement that this was the last dance. I never stepped on his toes once tonight. When it ended we slowly walked out.

"Im going to go to the Astronomy Tower. Do you want to come?" I asked nervously.

"Sure why not? The night is still young," he said with a small laugh.

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