Someone swatted the Swat!

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Max was on the phone to Langer. He promised to get the security improved at Max's house. He apologised to Max, it seemed like it was personal to him. She thought it was a little strange, he knew that was the world she was involved with, and being taken hostage was part of it. Though it did chill her a little thinking if it hadn't been for Juliano finding her she would have possibly been there for days, weeks...but no longer. She appreciated the care he showed.

The C.S.A. had now cracked the Cheeseman's phone, John Goodes as he was known. There was plenty to back up that he was a student, but also there was interesting information regarding John Goode's contact. Although the number was hidden & encrypted the tech time managed to find it. It belonged to a member of the notorious Red Eyes. A criminal gang that specialised in drugs.

A C.S.A. swat team was being put together with Max as the lead agent. The seal teams hated working with Max as she rarely required them. Lots of big tough guys, out-muscled and weaker than Max A few of them had issues with that.

The plan was to target Vince Koda at his home address. He wouldn't be expecting it.

It was 0400 hrs on a misty morning. Two swat teams were involved, Team Alpha parked away from the target house and Team Bravo were on foot covering the front and rear of the target house. Max put her C.S.A vest on and instructed the team to approach on her mark. She stealthily approached the front door. It was quiet apart from an approaching takeaway delivery scooter, the scooter was near swat team Alpha. One of team Alpha radioed,

"Alpha team, confirmed delivery rider on a low-powered scooter"

"Bravo team copy that"

"Zero threat... wait....scooter has stopped....he's coming towards us"

The Bravo team could hear the loud shouts and instructions being barked at the rider. Then a few shots were fired followed by an explosion. Max wasted no time, she kicked down the thick oak door, knocking it off the hinges, and it landed on the hall floor. Max rushed it checking the downstairs rooms. The Bravo team started to approach the house. Without warning a car smashed through the garage door, running over and knocking most of the bravo team over.

Max heard the commotion. Some of the swat team's equipment got caught up in the wheels slowing the vehicle down, it had to reverse to try and clear the obstruction. Max ran as fast as she could jumping through the window and landing on the car roof. Her landing dented the roof of the car inwards, Max stayed on the roof and started to punch the roof. The driver of the vehicle, which was electric, accelerated forward and then jammed their brakes. This caused Max to tumble down in front of the car. Max got to her feet. The car accelerated towards Max who was a few metres ahead after her tumble.

The electric car accelerated silently towards Max, she quickly got to her feet and stretched out her arms. Her hands made contact first with the front of the car. The steel crumpled and folded as it met Max's strong muscular arms, the motion continued to push Max along the tarmac drive. Her tactical boots struggled at first to grip. Max's muscular legs started to tense, her muscles now starting to slow the impressive torque of the electric car. Max's resistance increased and the wheels of the car began to spin as Max's powerful muscular physique was holding back the charging car, its wheels starting to spin. tyre smoke rising. Max knew she could flip the car or even hold it like she was all day long if she needed to, but it was too tricky to flip it whilst the wheels were spinning at full power. At least this way she had control over where the car went. Max started to push the car back up the driveway whilst it was still fighting, trying to go forward. The driver couldn't believe his eyes. He raised a gun towards Max.

Max noticed the gun and in one swift movement leapt to the side,  her strong legs allowing a powerful standing jump, The car which was at full throttle shot down the driveway across the road into a tree. The car burst into flames. Max sprinted over. The heat of the flames was already intense due to the lithium-ion battery, Max tried the door handle, the door was buckled and it was jammed, Max punched the window, reaching inside she ripped the seatbelt off him and dragged him through the door frame.

Max was furious. 14 members of the Swat team were badly injured, and a few fatalities. Someone had tipped them off. The C.S.A medics were on scene and the local fire engine had just arrived. Max dragged Koda's injured semi-conscious body back up to some other C.S.A agents. The senior agent wanted an explanation from Max. She didn't speak to anyone. She found the nearest C.S.A. agent's car. Max got in. The senior agent walked over.

"Agent, I'm going to need you to get out of that car. We need a full debriefing" he ordered

Max didn't like taking orders and secondly, she was on a personal mission, for the 14 swat team members.

"Agent please get out of the car"

Max started it up.

"You are not going anywhere" he motioned to a fire engine arriving on the scene to come move up and park behind the car Max was in.

"Really?" said Max

"Ah, glad you could join us, agent. Good that you have found your voice!" said the senior officer in a sarcastic tone.

Max got out of the car.

"How long have you been in?" asked Max

"This is my first year since training college, I'm Paul Sinclair, senior lead with the C.S.A." He outstretched his hand....which Max ignored.

"How many op's"

"This is my first. I'm following the book..." he was cut short by Max.

"Move the fire truck before I do"

"Miss it?"

The look on Max's face...

"I doubt you have a category on your licence and it belongs to another agency"

"You are wasting my time"

Max went over to the senior agent and picked him up by his jacket, scrunched up around his neck, he was 6ft 2 and well built,

"Agent Max, what the hell are you doing?"

She walked him over with his feet dangling off the ground. There was another parked car nearby and put him down on the bonnet.

"Oh, you work out do you"

Max turned away and walked to the fire truck. She went up the front of the truck and lifted the front of the 14-ton truck off the ground, the truck structure groaning, One firefighter who was on the roof getting equipment fell over as the truck tilted back. Max's forearms, shoulders and biceps looked amazingly powerful, they were fully pumped lifting this truck, anywhere from 14 to 16", she never measured. Max started to walk to the side, pivoting the huge truck around on its rear wheels. The huge steel supports to steady the fire engine were dangling off the ground.
Max then dropped the front, and the truck came down hard, bouncing on its suspension. The front reinforced steel bumper now bent from Max's powerful grip.

Max walked back over to the agent's car. The senior agent had only just got off the bonnet. He couldn't process what he'd just seen. He could tell from her physique she was a bodybuilder, but seeing her move a 14-ton truck in front of his eyes...he was lost for words.

Max got in the car. There was one place she was heading to...

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