Chapter one: dreams

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Kurai woke up on a sunny day "todays the day" she thought

And if your wondering what is today what's so important to her today
Well today her first day at UA high school
Todays the day were she'll become the hero she's alway wanted to be

With her quirk she was always singled out because some people thought it was villainous or that she'll use it on them in a way were she'll find out thing about them that they want no one to know

She was a very kind girl just misunderstood

But no matter how lonely she was,she alway held on to her dreams
Her dreams of being a great hero who helps people

When she was a kid she was friends with a Quirkless girl
She was alway bullied by others
It's actually kinda funny Kurai wanted to be like her she didn't want a quirk well not the one she had she wanted to be Quirkless like her friend
And her friend of course wanted a quirk she wanted to be like Kurai
Kurai always wondered what ended up happening to her,how she was doing
She had moved when they started middle school,they ended up losing contact

Her older sister ordered ending her train of thought

The half asleep girl said

Her sister rolled her eyes then walked out of the room

Kurai got up out of her bed and ran to the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth and of course put on deodorant
When she finished doing that she put on her school uniform

She had asked for a boys uniform
She still identifies as a female she would just feel more comfortable in pants instead

This was her first time trying it on since she got it so if it was to big or to small she'd be done for

She put it on and it fit!
It fit well to
It wasn't to big or to small like she had feared
She let out a sigh of relief then laid down in her bed and waited until she would need to go

While she was lying in her bed she texted her friend Kiki who had also got into ua

Name:Kiki porter
Age: 14
Her quirk ink means that she can generate ink from her body which she can militate into any shape she wants
It can solidify and melt

"Kurai time to go!" Her mom said cheerfully

She jumped off her bed and ran out the door not even eating breakfast
She did not want to even want to risk possibly being late for the first day
But before she left she put on her shoes

She continued to manically run out of the apartment building her family lived in

She quickly turned a corner and ran to the train station

She took a moment to take a breath after nonstop running

She rested against a wall from a moment then wiped the sweat off her forehead
Then she looked up to see Kiki staring at her

Kurai said acting like she wasn't tired at all

"Good morning"
Kiki said quietly

Kiki was never the loud kinda type she was always clam and collected,and she wasn't a big talker either but once you get to know them they tell you almost everything

Kurai and Kiki where childhood friends they always dreamed of being hero's together and making a difference
And now they were doing what they step out to do

"Did you seriously run all the way here?"
Kiki asked

"What- no who would do that" Kurai said sarcastically

Kiki rolled her eyes

They saw the train that was going to take them to UA arrive

"Come on let's go" Kiki said as she tied up her navy blue hair as they walk to the train

As they walked in they heard people talk about them

"Are those ua students?" A women who looked like she was maybe about forty said to what looked to be her husband

"Ua students normally don't come from these parts"
A young man said replying to the couple

Kurai and Kiki were getting a little uncomfortable that people were talking about them

As they got closer to UA more people started to stare and make comments about them

They were just kinda standing their awkwardly as people continued to stare and make comments about them

Finally they were at their stop

And these girls wasted no time getting the hell off that train

Like once that door opened they were long gone

Kurai looked at Kiki
then Kiki looked at her and she already knew what was about to go down

Kiki nodded and the two girls started running towards the school getting weird looks at they did so

Once they made it to the school Kurai was looking very tired
They both took a moment to catch their breath

Michelle started looking around and she saw a green haired dude walk to the building

She knows him from somewhere
Then it clicked
He's the guy who saved that girl from being crushed by a robot in the entrance exam 

She looked away then back at Kiki who had already regained her strength
"So what class you in?"
Kurai asked now drenched in sweat

"1A how bout you?"

Kurai looked over the moon to hear her say that

"ME TO" the girl yelled

"Well we don't want to be late" Kiki said as she began to walk up the steps of the school

Kurai followed behind

Kiki muttered under her breath as she was trying to find the class room

Kiki said happily as she stared at the big ass door that said 1A
" how tall are the people that go here?!"
Kurai said looking at how big that damn door was

" don't know don't care"
Kiki said as she opened the door
Kurai was still looking at that door she had never seen one so big in her whole fourteen years of living

Then she was put back in reality when she saw a green haired boy walk towards her
She quickly moved out of the way and opened the door for him

"Ladies first"
Kurai said to the boy

"Thank you"
The green haired boy said awkwardly

Then she saw another face that she knew
Wait that's the girl he saved

"Your that plain looking boy who help me at the exam!"

The brown haired girl said
Kurai had learned her name at the entrance exam
I think it was Uraraka

Right as he was about to speak he was interrupted by  what looked to be a man in a sleeping bag

Kurai said

"Your literally my favourite pro hero"
Kurai said cheerfully as her classmates looked kinda scared of him

"If your here to make friends  l e a v e"
Easerhead said looking at the green haired boy

Then he got up
"We're gonna do some physical tests"
I saw some of my class mates looking disappointed
"But I'm going to let you all use your quirks"
Then people started to smile again
"Oh and who ever has the lowest score will be expelled"

That's when everyone started getting nervous but especially the green haired boy

HIIIII uh I really hope you like it whoever's reading this um have a good day or night! 🤓

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