Chapter two:Climbing

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Easerheads words repeated over and over in Kurai head

Everyone seemed to look excited for the exercise or terrified of it

She looked over at Kiki who had a small grin on her face

Kiki wasn't really that competitive but if it was something she knew she could do then I guess she was ,but over all she was a good sport

Kurai was a little stressed out
Because she was never really good at physical exams with or without her quirk

Kiki was,almost every one that she knew was aware of that
But you could tell that she was also normally doing the the bear minimum
No one really knew why

Kurai on the other hand was horrible at sports even if she was trying or not

And Kurai was also scared because she didn't know what she was up against
She wasn't really paying to much attention on what their quirks were in the entrance exam

The only two that she noticed were that green haired kids quirk and the girl he saved

I mean who could really miss his
The robot he punched teared apart completely

And that girls quirk could make things and people float
Kurai couldn't lie she found it funny when she slapped him in the face to make him float

Like who didn't laugh
P.s she was actually the only one laughing

She was snapped out of her train of thought when her friend tapped her on the shoulder

She pretty much stopped listening after he said that the person who scored the lowest would be expelled that she didn't even hear him say that they need to change into their gym clothes

The two girls walked into the girls change room and quickly out on their UA gym clothes then quickly ran back out

Once they were outside they lined up like everyone else

Oh this is perfect timing to give you all more information about Kurai

Name: Kurai mori
Age: 14
Height: 5'3
Quirk: trauma , the negative emotions of people around her makes her more powerful
Example it can make her run faster hit harder and jump higher
She can also go in peoples mind and explore their minds so it's kinda like a movie for her but only the sad or negative parts

"But orientation we're gonna miss it!"
The floaty girl said
"If you really wanna make the big league's then your not gonna wanna waste time on pointless ceremonies"
Easerhead said in reply

"Here at UA were not tethered to traditions that means I can run my class how ever I want"

Kurai was really starting to feel the anxiety now
She knew she needed to harness everyone's emotions if she didn't want to be leaving early

Then Easer head continued

"You've all been taking standardized test for most of your life,but you've never got to use your quirks in physical tests before"

Kiki looked around to see her classmates reactions then looked back at their teacher

"The country still trying to pretend that we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel its not rational one day the ministry of education will learn"

What even was this bro💀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora