Infinity War + Endgame recap

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Hey guys!
So like I said, there's no where legal rn where i can watch infinity war + Endgame so i'm just doing a little recap bit.

Peter had blinked. Tony and I were there to watch him go. He had stumbled forward and I didn't hesitate to catch him and watch his face turn pale as mine flushed in realisation.

"(N/N)." He stammered. "I don't feel so good." I single guilty tear slithered down my cheek and across his neck when I pulled him into a hug.

With Peter, and tens of other heroes gone, so was (Y/N) (L/N), the high school student.

I finally committed to me and died my actual hair the same silvery white of my old wig. My supplied vehicle of choice was a sleek, black motor bike, which I poured by lost love into. I finally, fully was, black cat.


Peter was back and and (Y/N) (L/N) was too. Secretly trying to savour every second she had with him. Though the hair was had to explain, things were almost normal again.

Tied in, Spiderman X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now