Chapter 1: Encounter Amidst the Mist

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Status: Unedited

Published: September 9, 2023

Skylar glides through the streets of her prefecture, wrapped in an exquisite jacket and elegantly loose pants. Her inline skates complement her chosen style as she commutes to work.

She gracefully navigates a red light, swiftly altering her course with a step over technique.

With a controlled skid, she easily comes to a stop in front of Ukai's store. She notices him outside, smoking while holding a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Mr. Ukai," she greets, gracefully jumping on the pavement with her skates as she enters the shop, making them seem as ordinary as shoes as she walked.

Ukai smiles and replies, "Heading to work, Skylar?" He follows her inside to ring up her groceries.

As she elegantly skates through the aisles, she opens the fridge with poise, selecting a bottle of soy milk and two packs of yogurt. "Indeed, Boss wants us there earlier than usual," she remarks, also taking a cup of ramen and a meat bun.

Ukai hums while ash falls from his cigarette. "I see, must be a special client," he observes, ringing up her items.

"That totals ¥450," he states, arranging everything in a bag. She gracefully retrieves her wallet, pays him, and collects the bag, efficiently removing the packs of yogurt.

She gracefully opens one, fashioning the lid into a makeshift spoon as she eats.

"Mr. Ukai, do you have more of those disposable vapes? I ran out last night," she inquires, noticing him searching beneath the counter.

"I have a stash right here," he responds.

He places a petite box containing pocket-sized disposable vapes on the counter. "You can have them; you're the sole purchaser anyway since most vape users are in Tokyo. Tobacco is more prevalent here in Miyagi," he remarks.

Skylar's smile is graceful, her cheeks delicately holding strawberry yogurt. "Thank you, Mr. Ukai."

She takes two avocado disposables and two taro ice cream disposables to sell to her friends at work.

With her vape in hand, she waves goodbye to Ukai with a puff of smoke and glides elegantly towards work.

The fog slightly thickens, obscuring her view of the road.

Suddenly, a bump—an encounter.

A man's voice groans in pain. "Oh, what was that?"

Her bag and groceries drop as she rushes to help the person she collided with.

"I-I'm so sorry, I couldn't see clearly," she stammers, flustered.

As the fog dissipates, she gazes upon a visage seemingly sculpted by angels.

"I apologize. Are you alright?" the man asks. Skylar's gaze traces his form, revealing him to be a high school student.

She nods timidly, "Yes, I'm fine..."

Entranced, she lingers on his face, adorned with ethereal features.

Shaking herself from her reverie, she chides, "You should be more concerned about yourself! Your uniform is soiled..."

Indeed, dirt and gravel have tainted his attire.

He shrugs, unfazed. "A little dirt won't harm anyone," he remarks with a warm smile, brushing himself off.

Extending his hand, he assists Skylar as she regains her skates.

He notices her shoes. "You're a skater," he observes. Skylar blushes slightly. "Yes, I am..."

The man, with hair reminiscent of starlight, introduces himself as Koshi Sugawara, a senior from Karasuno High.

"I'm Skylar Reynolds. Pleasure to meet you, Koshi," she smiles, hugging him.

Caught off guard, he questions her use of his first name upon their first meeting.

"Why use my first name?" he inquires, holding her shoulders as they separate.

Raising a brow, she responds, "what do you mean?"

Understanding dawns. "Oh... you're not from here, are you? Your name has an American ring to it."

Skylar confirms, "Yes, I'm originally from America. My father brought me here to study, but both he and my mother perished in a fire," she shares, eliciting a somber shift in Koshi's demeanor.

"I'm... so sorry, Reynolds..."

Her wince is subtle, "Reynolds sounds odd. Please use my first name," she requests with a bright smile.

Koshi complies, "alright, Skylar it is."

As they gather their belongings, Koshi proposes, "I'd love to show you around more, but I'm running late for school. Can I have your number? Perhaps we could meet after school?"

Skylar looks at the rising sun, sighing a little. "It seems I'm running late for work now as well. Exchanging numbers seem like a good idea, I'd like to see you again soon," she smiles subtly.

They exchange numbers, and Skylar gracefully waves farewell as she skates uphill to work.

Koshi waves back, his mind stirring.

"She works at her age?"

Skating away, a gentle blush graces Skylar's cheeks.

Handsome, she muses, embodying a heart of gold and a soul overflowing with kindness.

Word Count: 772

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