Chapter 3: Ephemeral Connections: Pathways of Curiosity

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Status: Unedited

Published: September 9, 2023

"... please send me a message once you've safely arrived home!" Skylar's voice carried a warm, parting sentiment as she waved her farewell to Koshi, who wore a contented smile.

He responded with a light chuckle, a playful undertone in his words. "Actually, I should be the one reminding you of that!"

"See you tomorrow, Koshi Suga!" Her voice echoed with a touch of exuberance as she elegantly veered left, her actions painting a sharp, yet graceful turn. Koshi watched, his hand descending while his smile lingered, a silent promise for the next meeting.

Stepping out from his store, Ukai emerged, the rich aroma of a cigar surrounding him.

"How long have you been acquainted with Skylar?" his inquiry flowed, accompanied by the glow of his lit cigar.

Koshi pivoted, his gaze finding their coach. "We've only just crossed paths this morning. May I ask why you're curious?"

Ukai's gaze shifted, evading direct eye contact with Koshi. "Nothing particularly noteworthy."

Skylar encountered a cluster of young men adorned in uniforms akin to Koshi's, an inkling that they hailed from his high school.

"... whoa!" The vibrant declaration came from one of them, his orange hair serving as a beacon, aimed toward her swiftly approaching figure, reminiscent of a motorcycle in full throttle.

"Look out!" Skylar's voice pierced the air, as she executed an adept stop right in front of the orange-haired youth, her move reminiscent of a skilled hockey player.

Her subsequent bow was an apology embodied. "I'm deeply sorry!"

The boy stuttered, his response revealing a hint of bashfulness. "Uh, no worries. I-I wasn't exactly paying attention..." He scratched his head, reciprocating the apology by offering a respectful bow.

Skylar resumed her skater's journey, skating into the distance with swiftness, her momentum seamlessly weaving her around a corner after gliding over a speed bump.

"A skater?" the one with green hair mused aloud.

A tall blonde offered a contemplative hum. "That's the girl who ditched school long ago. Lives right across from us..."

Daichi, ever pragmatic, rubbed his head in mild exasperation. "Tsukishima, you do have a way of putting things bluntly, don't you?"

Tsukishima, the origin of the observation, appeared unfazed by Daichi's remark. "I'm just relieved I didn't end up in the same predicament."

With a decisive turn, they directed themselves toward Ukai's store, their actions driven by a touch of amusement. Observing their interactions, the orange-haired boy interjected.

"She mentioned a name earlier—something like 'See you tomorrow, Koshi Suga!'" His gesture underscored his point, capturing the essence of the spoken words.

Kageyama, always perceptive, added his thoughts. "Could she be referring to Suga-san?"

Asahi contemplated the situation. "Well, he did leave unexpectedly early today. Usually, he stays until Mr. Takeda dismisses us."

Nishinoya spotted a familiar white-haired figure conversing with Ukai by the storefront. "Hey, Suga-san!"

Startled by Nishinoya's boisterous greeting, Koshi's reaction was evident. "You scared me!" he retorted.

Ukai's attention reverted back to his store, leaving Nishinoya and Koshi to their conversation.

Ukai's eyes caught sight of a disposable vape resting on the table where Skylar and Koshi conversed. His realization prompted action, prompting him to retrieve it and hand it to Koshi.

Koshi's inquiry hung in the air as he regarded the object. "What's this?"

Nishinoya intervened, taking the vape and inhaling before exhaling a puff of smoke. "Just as I suspected!" Nishinoya laughed, confirming his hypothesis.

Ukai's swift intervention retrieved the vape from Nishinoya's grasp. "This isn't a toy to be played with. You're too young to use it. Sugawara, could you catch up to Skylar and give this back to her?" Ukai's question lingered, placing a request upon Koshi's shoulders.

Koshi found himself uncertain, a bead of sweat materializing as he contemplated the challenge. "She's a fast skater. She's probably home by now, and I don't even know her address."

Tsukishima came forth with a solution. "Head to my house," he offered, prompting all eyes to fall upon him.

"Her residence is just across from ours. Her family name is on the gate, etched in English. You can't miss it," Tsukishima explained.

Gratitude mingled with Koshi's smile as his hand struck Tsukishima's back, an acknowledgment of thanks. "Tsukishima, thanks. I'll be on my way!" With a farewell to his team and coach, Koshi departed, a sense of purpose in his stride.

Hinata, the orange-haired boy, found himself curious. "Hey, Coach Ukai," he called out, prompting Ukai to turn his attention to the inquisitive youth.


"Could the girl on skates be Suga-san's girlfriend?" Innocence underscored Hinata's curiosity.

Ukai chuckled warmly. "Not yet, kid. But who knows, maybe they'll find themselves in love soon."

Kageyama, his gaze lifting to the starlit night sky, interjected with an optimistic sentiment. "If that happens, they'll have to invite us to their wedding..."

Amidst the chuckles, Asahi added, "And we'll be the ones to get them there."

Daichi's countenance turned serious, an air of determination emanating from him. "We'll be their matchmakers."

Hinata, Tanaka, and Nishinoya chimed in, a unified declaration on their lips. "Wingmen!"

Ukai's attention shifted back to his store, his parting words infused with playful jest. "Well then, let's see how you'll handle this situation. Successfully bring them together, and you'll earn yourselves free ramen at my shop."

With the prospect of free ramen, Daichi and Asahi's spirits soared. "Free ramen!"

Kageyama and Tsukishima's interest was veiled by their typical indifference, yet an undeniable curiosity pulsed beneath their façades. Their contemplation centered on the unfolding dynamic between Skylar and Koshi.

Would their connection evolve?

Or would it eventually dissipate, like the fading embers of a fire?

Word Count: 940

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