She's not afraid

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This was a request from JulzLovDraco4Eva I hope you like it gorgeous! <3

Summary: Y/n (a directioner) meets Harry at a party and takes care of him when he has a panic attack and passes out because paparazzi harass him

It was a beautiful September night in the heart of the city and Y/n and her best friend, Katie, were at a house party, engulfed by a sea of music, laughter, and twirling bodies. Both girls welcomed It the much-needed break from their exam studies, a chance to let their hair down and enjoy life outside the confines of textbooks.

As the intoxicating melody of "She's Not Afraid" by One Direction filled the air, Y/n's phone clamored for her attention, buzzing insistently in her clutch. She fumbled with the zip on her clutch, retrieving the phone with a casual curiosity, but as her eyes scanned the notification, they widened in sheer disbelief. Harry Styles had posted a new photo, which in itself was exciting for Y/n because every new photo of Harry felt like a gift from the gods, sent to make her day. However as her gaze darted beyond Harry's face, and suddenly, it struck her like a bolt of lightning. She realized that the background of the photo was not ufamiliar; it was the very room they were currently dancing in. Harry Styles was not just at the same party, but he was practically within arm's reach, existing in the same electrifying moment as she was.

"Katie, look!" Y/n exclaimed, thrusting her phone toward her friend to reveal the photo of Harry amidst the revelry.

Katie's eyes grew as wide as saucers, and she pointed animatedly in Harry's direction. "He's right there, Y/n! You have to go talk to him!"

The mere thought sent Y/n's heart into a frenzied rhythm, and her palms grew inexplicably sweaty. Katie's relentless encouragement, however, was an unwavering anchor amidst the storm of emotions that churned within her.

Heart pounding like a drum, Y/n summoned every ounce of courage and inched closer to Harry Styles. "Hi," she managed to stammer, her voice a mere whisper in the cacophony of beats and laughter.

Harry, with his disarming charm and trademark dimpled smile, met her nervous gaze with a warm, genuine one. "Hey, I'm Harry."

Y/n found it endearing that he had chosen to introduce himself so simply and ordinarily, as if he weren't famous on a global scale. "I'm Y/n," she responded with a genuine smile.

Her knees wobbled like a newborn foal's, and she felt herself teetering on the precipice of an awkward silence. But just as she was about to retreat into her own nervous thoughts, Harry did something that caught her entirely off guard. With an effortless grace that seemed to define him, he gently set his drink—a plain plastic cup—down on a nearby surface and extended his hand toward her. "Would you like to dance?"

The invitation hung in the air like an enchanting melody, and Y/n felt her heart soar. She blinked, her nerves momentarily eclipsed by a rush of excitement. "Yes, I'd love to." Her words spilled forth, filled with earnest enthusiasm.

Harry led the way, guiding Y/n and himself further into the mass of dancing people. They began dancing together, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. Y/n was initially self-conscious and unsure of herself. Harry noticed this, and grabbed Y/n's hand. She could feel the warmth of Harry's hand in hers, the gentle pressure of his fingers as they moved in perfect sync. The world around them melted away, and they were enveloped in a cocoon of music and shared smiles.

The two danced together carefree and happily for several songs before the party's atmosphere took a jarring turn. Out of absolutely fucking nowhere, a swarm of paparazzi materialised, a chaotic frenzy of flashing cameras and intrusive lights. Harry, momentarily blinded by the onslaught of flashes, froze in panic.

Harry Styles One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now