《Prologue:The past》

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Narrating:Katsuki Bakugou

Hello,I am Katsuki Bakugou and I go to the most prestigious hero school in Japan,UA.But even so not everything is good in my life,so I'm going to tell you my story from the beginning to today.


My mother,Mitsuki Bakugou gave birth to me just to make sure that my father,Masaru Bakugou,didn't leave her and when he found out that I wasn't his child he got angry and told my mother that if I didn't get a good quirk,or super power,he was going to leave her.

My mother didn't even cared for me and the only thing she loved was money,which was the reason he married my father but she made him go almost bank rup so they had to start working to pay the bills of the house.

When I turned 3 I started to develop my quirk to my parents surprise.At age 4 we got to go to do a quirk check.To my mother surprise and my father anger,I got a strong ice quirk,which was the total opposite to any of my parents quirks.

That day when we got home my father started to scream at my mother telling and yelling at her that I wasn't his child because of my ice quirk but my mother kept telling him that I really was his child.

The next few days,staring winter,my mother's best friend,Inko Midoriya,asked if we wanted to go out.Of course my mom said yes to keep the apparitions.

Many people would think that would've been a normal day but for me it was the start of hell.

After that fay my parents started to abuse and pressure me into a profession that I did like but wanted to go at my own pace.

I was very innocent at that time and I didn't know what I was getting into by accepting and doing everything they told me to do.

Until one time,while we were at the park,I was kidnapped by a scientist.I was stuck in a lab for 6 months until the heroes found me and got me out.

Because of that incident I started to grew up faster than most children and also thanks to the constant fights that happened in the house.

On the other hand my ice skating career was going very good and that helped me a lot because of the money I made and that greatly pleased my parents.

My parents thought that ice skating was for girls so they forced me into wearing and acting as one.

That was how Itsuki Imori,the youngest ice skater in Japan,was born.

Meanwhile,at school.It was almost like being "home".Many of the students hated me because a certain person was spreading lies about me and they started to fear and hate me for it.

To my surprise,that person was non other than my mother's best friend son,Izuku Midoriya.

When I found out that it was him I asked him why he was spreading those kind of lies about me .

His answer made me angry and also disappointed,he said,"Because you have a perfect life!You have a good father and I don't even have a father.You have a high economy and I don't.You have a strong and useful quirk while I don't have an useful quirk.In other words,you have EVERYTHING I WANT!"

I whised that I could tell him it wasn't like that and that my life wasn't perfect but I couldn't get myself to do it.

The years in Middle school was the same but it started to o get worse as the years go by.

My relationship with my oarents was stable at all,my parents were always fighting over stupid things and they sometimes take out their anger and frustration on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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