Getting sick of Justin

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Ringggggggggggggggg ringgggggggggggggggggg

Who could that be?

Hi, Jasmine here?

Justin voice: I missed your beautiful voice already..

Jasmine: Justin, what happend to your number? I tried to call you?

Justin: Sorry, I got a new number, because beliebers stalked me.

Jasmine: Mmm okay, so when I want to call you, I cant because ''beliebers are stalking you''

Justin: I might made you mad?

Jasmine: No, I just wanna talk to you!

I.. I don't feel like talking anymore Justin

You came in my life as Justin Bieber, the most famous boy on the planet

I can't even talk to you, your always on tour, i am still on school ..

Why you like me? You can have every women of the Versace Magazine or Top model books.

Justin: Your special to me and..

NO, Justin don't do this because you know that I can't love you, don't call me, don't talk to me, and don't even look at me anymore, i'm not 1 of the side hoeS


I started crying.. my friends couldn't see me because I walked to the bathroom while calling him.

I decided to go home, the stairs were making so much noise,

Zena came out the room.

Zena: Where are you going to???

Jasmine: Home, see u guys later, and started crying

Zena: Wait wait wait? Jasmine!

I walked out the door,

While driving home, I tried to stop crying.

Jada, Zena and Chen keep calling me but I dont feel like picking up the phone.

I was finally at home.

There was no one home, so I was thinking about some pizza.

I started crying again while walking to my room.

I opened the door and guess who's sitting on my bed - ->Justin!

What the fuck are you doing here and how did you came in!

Are you deaf! I told you not to call me, or talk to me or look at me or just..

I started crying again.

What do you want Justin, please tell me.

Because 1 thing I don't want,

Is you, alltime calling me and stalking me.

Am I clear.

The only thing I want, is your love..

But yeah, whatever I'm Justin bieber so I can fuck every girl I meet.

Justin walked away and slammed the door

masterofjerry, instagram/twitter

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