Chapter 1

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May 17 1944 Northern Germany

Klaus stared out the window of the car, he had just been assigned to go to some kind of research site. As the car rolled down the road of the surrounding forest Klaus continued to become more and more unsettled.
"How much further do we have" Klaus asked
"Just a few more minutes Captain Klaus" replied the driver
Klaus decided to review the file he was given one more time before he reached his destination. He pulled out a brown file from his black bag and flipped the page to where it described his mission.

"Captain Klaus, you have been sent by the Fuhrer to check in on Dr. Hans progress on project Order. The Fuhrer is becoming more and more upset on the recent delays the doctor has had, so make sure to make that very clear to him."

Heil Hitler

Klaus closed the file and set it back in the bag. "Project Order" Klaus thought, he had no idea what kind of project this "Dr. Hans" was given to by the Fuhrer but whatever it was it seemed to be important to Hitler if he's wanting it to be complete as soon as possible. Klaus then stared out the window once again, he was taken back to when he just got back from Italy. After experiencing the British and American fighting he can only imagine the horror of fighting the Russians in the east. After the defeat at Stalingrad and loosing Sicily Klaus had began losing hope that Germany would win the war. Hitler had been dumping money and resources into idiotic projects and experiments that only lead to failure after failure. Klaus saw that this "Project Order" was just going to be another waste of resources and time for the Riche and soon the Allies would be at Hitlers back door.

Klaus then snapped back into reality as the car came to a stop. He saw a SS soldier put out the cigarette he was smoking and walk toward the drivers window.
"Is this the captain" the soldier asked
"Yes, has the doctor been informed" the driver said
"Of course, he's waiting for him, go on" replied the soldier
"LET THEM THROUGH!" Barked the soldier
The soldier behind him gave a quick nod and pushed the gate away from the car and the car rolled forward. The next few minutes were spent in silent until a giant structure came into view. Klaus eyes widened as he was processing the scale of this castle.The car then drove in through the gate and three soldiers were standing at the entrance ready to meet Klaus.The car then came to a halt and the soldier on the right walk up and opened the car door then the one on the right gave a salute and the other two followed.Klaus stepped out and stared at the officer in front of him.
"Welcome, Captain Klaus the doctor is waiting for you inside, just follow me"said the Officer
Klaus then followed the officer who was leading the way inside the castle. Inside, the castle was smaller than Klaus had imagined and other than himself, the other officer and the two soldiers escorting Klaus in the building there were little to no people around, soon Klaus had reached an office that had a name on the door, "Head Director Dr. Hans". The officer that was escorting Klaus gave several knocks on the door before a voice was heard.
"Come in"
The officer opened the door and gave a salute before moving to the left out of Klaus way.
"Ah captain Klaus is it, come in come in." Said Dr.Hans
Klaus then hesitated at first before stepping in the office, when he was in enough the door then closed behind him.
"I hope you had a nice little trip over to the site captain."said Dr.Hans
"Of course, but let's get down to the reason I was sent." Klaus replied
"You can tell the Fuhrer that I have made much more progress ever since the last set back and project Order will be on schedule" explained Dr. Hans
"Good, but they asked me to check for myself in order to give a proper report back to Berlin" said Klaus
"Of course Captain right this way"said Dr.Hans as he got up from his chair
Dr. Hans gestured to Klaus to follow him as he moved out from his desk and for the entrance of the office. Klaus then lingered behind the doctor as they walked out of the office and into the hall. Klaus could feel a knot in his stomach has he approached a elevator, he could feel something off about this place and his thoughts raced back and forth as the elevator doors dinged opened and Dr. Hans stepped in.
"Come now captain I'm most intrigued to show my research" said Dr. Hans
Klaus then paused for a second but then took a step in the elevator and the elevator doors closed.

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