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When the three friends stepped outside the streets were clear of debris and any unfortunates unable to find shelter. The dust storms were the Government's way of keeping the streets clean, blowing massive amounts of air and sand once a week to clean the streets of everything.

Mika loved the way the world smelled after a Storm, then the air was just a little cleaner and the sky could almost be called gray. It was beautiful to her. So she looked to the sky rather than to the blood stains. The storms were also called dust storms by the locals, because the only thing anyone ever saw when they came was the dust. The wall of dirt, crud, and sand headed right for them strong enough to whip someone off their feet and throw them with the rest of the trash. Ripping flesh from bone and blowing bones to the outskirts.

The Market was unsurprisingly barren when Mika and the others arrived. They went straight to the back to get some proy-lent, a soft protein filled mush that tasted of nothing really. It cost about 20,000 credits. some scimeat, an artificially grown meat 20,000 credits, a batch of veggie meal, 9000, and finally a few pounds of potatoes 30 credits a piece. together they spent almost 50000 credits on the meager few days worth of food. They'd stretch it for a few weeks, but they felt like kings preparing for a feast. This would be the first meal in a few days.

Michal was most excited among them "I'm starving, I can't wait! Should we warm it up you think?" he asked, bouncing on the balls of his toes just after they left the Market.

Mika nodded "it's best that way, well have it on the potatoes! It'll be so good." she said whitfully

Roy nodded "yeah, and we have enough for a few meals which means we can eat again in a couple of days! It's awesome. Great job Mika!"

The three chatted away as they made their way home, they didn't hear the van pull up behind them. What they did hear was the door slide open and a clicking sound, mika whirled around feeling the dart pierce her skin and sedate her instantly. She fell, and was unconscious before she hit the ground. Roy and michal soon followed her.

The man with the gun in his hand hummed with satisfaction. "We have two extra participants aside from the girl Dr., scrawny things. They are perfect for this project."

His earring beeps "excellent! Bring them immediately. We will be starting the orientation soon."

"Yes Dr."

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