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It was dark when Mika woke up to the soft groans of her closest friends. "Roy? Michal? Speak up!"

Roy moans out a "fuckin mint...."

Michal groans back "dude ancient memes? At a time like this? memes? Really?"

Mika sighs "good you're both okay..." she peers about the inky darkness. "Where are we?" she whispered into the darkness.

Soon the noises of struggling came to Mika's ears, must be the boys. Mika moved around and realized she was strapped down to the chair she was sitting on. She pulled at her leather restraints and squirmed around, seeing if she could loosen them at all, but they wouldn't budge. It couldn't be a prison, they would be metal otherwise.

The lights suddenly speared Mika in the eyes. When the stars faded from the eyes of Mika and the others they saw a large white room filled with many other chairs of people.

"Welcome," came a smooth androgynes voice. "You are here for a very special purpose. You may be the salvation of man-kind." The speaker crackled for a second then, "you will be part of the first few hundred to inhabit a brand new world," the voice exclaimed happily. "Now if you do not wish to be a part of this," the voice said in a sad tone "then you will be exterminated. We will give you some time to think it over. Once the survivors have decided then we will release you from your restraints."Everyone was murmuring or shocked into silence. One man started laughing. "Okay buddy sure thing. Wacko."

"Fuck no I ain't goin!" a burly voice screamed " I ain't afraid of you mother fucker." and then there was a sizzle of a blaster from some unseen assailant, and the body of that person went limp, a hole where his head used to be.

No one spoke for a long time before Mika said, "I-I'll do it. I'll go." She was terrified, she didn't want to die. Would the boys join her? Was this the last time she would see them? She turned looking at both of them with tears of fear in her eyes.

The voice came back sounding over joyed "excellent! Who wants to join this brave young one?" the voice asked the question with the same sweet tone, but it sounded more and more like a threat.

Roy piped up next, " me too, wherever Mika goes I'm with her!"

Then michal "and me!" both boys sounded so determined. Many more voices followed. In the end no one else dared test the voice on whether or not they would pass judgment upon them and end their lives.

"Perfect!" the voice chirped and the bonds fell from their bodies. Everyone stood in confusion and muttered amongst themselves. Then the wall to their left slid open revealing another room with a large table of food and several smaller tables to sit at. "Please proceed to the next room."

Everyone herded into the room like obedient cattle, fear ruling their lives in that very moment. Mika stared at the table hungrily, they hadn't eaten in 3 days, and that was splitting the last potato. The wall closed behind them and the group heard the Voice once more "please enjoy! Eat your fill. The presentation will start shortly."

People stared at the food in front of them, it was so much. And there was real meat and vegetables that no one had seen grown in nearly 100 years. Mika couldn't recognise half of what was there. She didn't take ancient agriculture in school. Mika and the boys were openly drooling. But, could they eat? After they saw that man die could they trust the food? Mika swallowed. She was so hungry, it had been days since she had eaten and it all looked so good.

She was the first again, she couldn't help herself. She grabbed a plate and started filling it with a little bit of everything. She tried a bite before even sitting down and her eyes widened. "It's so good." she whispered

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