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I rubbed my eyes looking around I was still on the couch jayda was sitting on the other side of the couch on her phone. What time is it i question yawning nine she says eyes still glued to her phone willow went to cafe up the street to grab us breakfast since we still haven't went shopping for groceries. Alright I say getting off the couch and stretching imma go get myself together i got stuff to do today I say walking upstairs. I go to my room grab an outfit I choose a black hoodie set since I'm not tryna dress up and we probably just gone be doing random shit i go to the bathroom brush my teeth and wash my face then i strip down and get in the shower just standing there for a while letting the water run on me. I eventually start soaping up and get out. I step out the shower still in towel i go to my room i quickly put on my clothes I gotta do something with my hair ion think I feel like doing makeup today but I'm bored so I grab my phone and go to my vanity propping my phone on the side of the mirror. I call river while I wait for her to answer I take out the ponytail I put in my hair yesterday she answer hey I say what's up nothing I say I'm bored just felt like calling oh Alr she say as she sit on her bed eating candy. girl you eating candy at ten in the morning I say as I start to comb my hair mind the business that pays you she says jokingly anyway We still going grocery shopping today before we leave for camp yeah I say did you pack yet nah I haven't got a chance you telling me camp start tomorrow and u anit pack nothing no I've been busy Alr river say unconvinced after we go shopping me and Ariel will come over and help you it'll be easier that way anyways since we were ganna drive there alright sounds like a plan. what time y'all coming to pick me up around twelve probably after that we just starting talking about random stuff while I braided my hair into two French braids even though I said I wasn't feeling makeup today I still put on a little foundation and eyeliner so nothing crazy but enough that you can tell I have sum  on. I ended up talking to river for a while but then she told me she was ganna start getting ready so we hung up and I went downstairs just in time cause willow walked through the door as I was walking downstairs morning I say as I sit on the couch. good morning hun had a good sleep? mhm I nod she puts the cafe food bags on the table we all know are orders cause we all get the same thing every time so we all just grab are to go boxes and eat jayda got a stack of chocolate chip pancakes and eggs I got a omelette and a hash brown willow got a waffle strawberry on top with bacon we said thank u to willow said a quick prayer and dug in after I got done eating I really had nothing else to do since Ariel and river weren't picking me up for about another half hour so I decided to just go up to my room and watch a movie I ended up falling asleep and waking up to Ariel shaking me awake roughly alright alright I'm up about time I've been shaking u for two minutes you a heavy sleeper he says heading for the door. I get up and walk to my vanity mirror fixing the wrinkles out of my clothes and touching up my make up. HURRY UP i hear ariel yell from downstairs I grab my phone and walk out damn chill I say as I walk out the door while waving bye to willow and jayda I get a wave and be safe from willow jayda gives me a head nod and a smile before going back to her phone . I get in the car closing the door jayda drives off focusing on the road while ariels trying to pick a good song to play. we end up singing along to random songs we pull up to Walmart as we get out the car river ask if we got a list

I say no we're just going off of memory. alright she says get a cart Ariel goes and gets one handing it to river we head to the cleaning isle since we need stuff like that as rivers looking at different cleaning products Ariel gets in the cart bro what are you doing I ask what you think I'm doing he ask with a duh tone and rolls his eyes its comfy in here get in whatever I say as I get in to it we sitting criss cross facing each other you right it is comfy I say as I lean back after that we chill. a few minutes later river come back with a few bleach sprays sponges and dishrags I figured that y'all wou- what is y'all doing in the cart she ask flabbergasted my legs started hurting Ariel says nonchalant yeah mine to I add on we been in the store for 2 minutes river says as she rolled her eyes and sat the stuff beside us if y'all gone sit in the cart just know y'all gone be a little squished. we got quite a bit of stuff to get me and Ariel shrug river starts to push the cart to the food section picking out eggs bread and whatever else she decided after that I stopped paying attention that went on for awile river shopping as me and Ariel chilled on are phones until. we got to check out and she forced us to bag and take all the stuff to the car since we didnt help shop after we loaded the car with the groceries Ariel asked about coffee. you already had coffee before we got here river said with an eye roll I live off of coffee we need to stop at Starbucks Ariel said making sure to say the need loud . whatever she said as she made a u turn in the parking lot in to Starbucks what y'all want Carmel iced coffee I say same Ariel says two grande Carmel iced coffees and a iced black tea please we got are orders and drove back home. when we got there I put the groceries on the counter we were getting ready to put them up but willow came in and told us not to worry she got it I thanked her and gave her a quick hug before we all went upstairs cause I still needed to pack we all got on the floor and started sorting my stuff. two backpacks and a suitcase later I had all my stuff packed the backpacks pretty much had all my hygiene and makeup and random stuff I need and the suitcase had all my clothes and shoes. by now it was  11:30 at night we had been doing errands and getting ready for camp all day we planned on driving to camp early tomorrow the camp lasted the entire summer three months we had gone every summer since we were eight after. I packed my stuff I put it by my door I was honestly so tired I went to my bed and laid down. Ariel was by the wall charging his phone as he watched tiktok river had passed out on my bean bag two hours ago I started drifting off feeling exhausted

Author ✍🏾
Finally done editing this chapter I think this one might've took me the longest 1331 words again if your reading thank u =)

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