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Chenle wakes up buried under a pile of teddy bears he'd forgotten he owned. The world is a haze for a minute or two until his eyes and ears adjust to the morning, not at all excited to see what it brings. His curtains are open, sunlight beaming through, and he squints as he sits up, not caring that it catapults half the toys to the floor. He stretches, winces when his shoulder clicks. The ringing fades from his ears. Pots and cutlery clang in the kitchen downstairs, and the aroma of pancakes and eggs and bacon swiftly follow. His stomach groans, both in excitement and reluctancy.

He slides back under the covers, pulls the sheets over his head.

There's a knock at the door just moments later.

"What?" He grumbles, voice scratchy.

"It's me, honey," Taeyong's voice is sweet and bright. "May I come in?"


Chenle sits back up against the headboard as Taeyong pushes the door open and leaves it ajar behind him. His hair is already brushed, still glistening from remnants of his shower, and his loose t-shirt and sweatpants are nothing like his usual style. Chenle loves his softer outfits because they make his hugs cosier.

"Good morning," Taeyong says. "The others are all up and eating, would you like to join?" His eyes glance at the clock on Chenle's nightstand but he doesn't comment. Chenle knows he'll be late for school if he even attempts to eat. He also knows he's not getting out of breakfast.

"Yeah," Chenle sighs out unconvincingly. He smiles, but it takes effort he doesn't have.

"Did you not sleep so well?" Taeyong asks.


"What would you like to eat?" Taeyong asks, pulling Chenle into a hug. He rests his chin on the boy's head while Chenle presses his nose into his shoulder and uses the warmth to settle his bones.

He thinks of the apples he ate last night but the stickiness on his fingers is gone, as is the sweetness that filled his stomach. All that's left is a sharp, unpredictable pang of hunger. He remembers Jaemin's nightmare, thinks Taeyong must have had a rough night too as a result, and nearly doubts himself when he pulls away and inspects the flawless smile on his face.

"Some fruit, please," Chenle says.

Taeyong's smile deflates but he doesn't argue. "Alright. Is it gonna be a rough day, love?"

Chenle nods. He looks down so Taeyong can't detect the fuzziness that invades his mind and threatens tears. He's been awake barely ten minutes, so can't afford to crumble so soon or he won't make it to school at all.

"If you'd like, you can eat once the others are all done. You can have some peace, then."

Chenle nods again, mumbles that it sounds good.

"And Chenle, baby, I know I've already mentioned this... please remember that you finishing therapy doesn't mean that your problems don't matter anymore. It doesn't mean you have to pretend it's all fine now, okay? So if you're struggling, please, please, tell me or your Dad. Or even one of your brothers." Taeyong squeezes Chenle's shoulder. "I know it's going to be busy with Jisung so it may seem like I'm not available, but I promise I always am. You got good at talking to me and Dad, didn't you? Please don't let Jisung's arrival scare you away."

Taking a deep breath in, Chenle nods and thanks him, then asks for another hug that Taeyong is more than happy to provide.

He gets dressed, back turned to the mirror he should have asked Johnny to remove years ago, and when he makes it to the kitchen Johnny tuts and fixes his tie while Chenle stares at the food on the table. Jisung and Jeno are still sat pushing food around their plates. Jeno ignores him when he sits opposite, but Jisung offers a smile.

Life is but a Dream {ChenJi} | ongoingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin