Romance Dawn Episode 1 part 1

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Quick A/N-with the episodes being like 45 minutes to an hour long I'm having to do them in parts.
East Blue 22 Years Later

As the sun sets over the East Blue sea, one of the four seas in the Grand Line is a place full of dangers and glories sites that await both pirates and dreamers alike. It's in this very sea somewhere that we see a small dingy boat floating in the water with a hole in it as it filled with water. Inside the boat are two people a 17 year old boy with short curly black hair,brown eyes, and tan skin wearing a straw hat and a 17 year old girl with (H/L) (H/C) hair,(E/C) eyes and (S/C) skin wearing a wooden phoenix carved necklace. This boy is Monkey D. Luffy and his 2 month older sister Monkey D. (L/N) (Y/N). Luffy began talking to his sister and a mail bird that was sat on the edge of their boat.

"Ever since we were kids. Shanks would tell me and my sister (N/N) stories about pirates and their adventures." Luffy looked up from underneath his straw hat smiling brightly at the messager bird "So yeah. The sea's been calling." Giggles left (Y/N) mouth while she looked at her little brother "Well not really calling...because neither of us can swim. But you get the point." (Y/N) quickly corrected while playing with her wooden necklace.

Luffy grins widely at his sister before picking up a bucket he was using to pour out more water that was coming into their small boat. "We're sitting out to follow our shared dream. To find the One Piece and become..." Luffy said before raising his arms up high in the air and yelling loudly his voice echoing across the sea. "KINGS OF THE PIRATES!!" (Y/N) just smiles and looks at Luffy, before giving him a look and going back to helping Luffy bucket out water of their boat.

He chuckles innocently at his big sister's look and goes back to pouring water out of the boat "All we need is a loyal crew. Two isn't enough. I think about ten men...or women should do it...well and a bird." Luffy was quick to correct himself when he saw his sister's offended  look when he said men. Luffy then continued to scoop more water out of the boat while saying "It's not gonna be easy. The ocean pretty big and kinda dangerous."

The messager bird wearing a sailor hat and small front carrier full of papers jumps up and down in place for a little while. Meanwhile (Y/N) and Luffy were still scooping water out of their boat before Luffy turned to the bird and said "So what do you say?" He asked as the bird squawked again while before putting his hands on his hips and stepped on one of the brawlers "Are you with us?" The bird just tilted its head squawked once more then jumping off the boat and flying away.

Watching the bird fly away (Y/N) just sighs to herself and shook her head while saying "Mutiny. Unbelievable." She was quiet before looking at her brother and asked "Hey Lu. Do you you think we'll find my soulmate on our journey to the one piece?" while looking down at her soulmate's name on her wrist. Luffy suddenly freezes mid throwing water out of the boat and then quickly looks at the woman he considers his sister in all but blood, seeing her falling face at the mention of her soulmate they have yet to find a lead on. "Don't worry (N/N). We'll find the One Piece and your soulmate." Luffy says to (Y/N) with firm determination gleaming in his eyes and (Y/N) couldn't help but believe him with how sure he looked.

"Better yet. When we find him. We'll make him our first mate. Sound good...right?!" Luffy says to his sister (Y/N) smiles at her brother and says "Sounds prefect Lu...thanks." The siblings proceed to hug until the felt something wet on their feet and both immediately broke apart and looked down to see their boat was sinking fast. Exchanging a wide eyed look. Both looking for a way to stay out of the water, before Luffy spotted a barrel filled with fish near the back of the small boat and quickly proceeded to gently grab his sister's arm and pulled her toward the barrel and lifted his leg and knocked the barrel over after they got to it. He then proceeded to help his sister in the barrel before climbing in himself.

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