Chapter One

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Chapter One


"Did you get that, Evey?"  

I nodded stuffing the cereal in my mouth. I barely heard what she was saying, I zoned her out the second she started talking. She, being my sister, Riley. Ever since mom died she has been watching over me. And our father, after my mom divorced him he remarried. My sister and I didn't want to live with him and my sister being 21, could watch over me.

Riley shook her head and pulled out her iPhone. She knew I wasn't paying attention. I finally finished my cereal, I took it to the sink and washed it. Then I turned around and saw my sister using the Twitter app. I didn't think she used that site. I remember when I first got it and she said it was stupid. I rolled my eyes knowing she wouldn't see it. I went on the other side of the island and sat on the stool.  

"So did anyone cute tweet? Preferably blonde, is on a TV show, and in a band..." I asked twirling around the stool.  

"I don't follow him," she replied locking her phone and putting it on the table.   

"Right.." I said walking away. I went upstairs and grabbed my phone. I plopped on my bed reading tweets. He posted a picture of him and this other girl people assumed he liked. Some fans would tweet how they look cute while others were jealous. Honestly I didn't know where I stood. I knew that I was just another fan so it didn't matter. I retweeted the photo anyway, I thought that was what most fans did.  Then I locked my phone and put it aside.

 "Evey! you're going to late for school," ugh, I got up and stood in front of my mirror to see if I looked okay. I ran my hands through my blonde hair and thought I looked good. I grabbed my stuff and ran back down. "Let's go," Riley said twirling the keys on her finger. We walked into the car and she dropped me off at school.

I saw my friend, Bree, sitting at our usual spot near the big tree in front of the school.   

"Hey," I said standing next to her.   

"Hey," Bree said, "did you study for the science test?" She didn't look at me as she wrote something in her notebook.   

"What science test?" I asked worried.   

"The one the teachers been talking about for weeks now," Bree answered closing her notebook and getting up.  

I didn't really have the greatest memory. Well, I did daydream in class a lot.  

"Shoot!" I yelled, as soon as I was about to grab my book to start going over some things the bell rang.   

"You have some time to study, it's our last class." Bree said trying to make me feel better, but it didn't really help. I didn't study much anyway, which explained my grade. It wasn't bad it was average. I sighed walking to my class.  


It was lunch time and we sat by the tree. That was our spot. There were other students around us who were eating and talking as well.   

We began to talk about our favorite band, R5. Which was a common topic. Our conversations about them started off normal and ended with a lot of fangirling. No one else knew or liked R5 at our school but that was totally fine because we had them to ourselves. Bree loved Riker and I loved Ross but honestly we loved them all.   

"Did you see the picture Ross posted?"   

"Yeah, she's really pretty. Her and Ross look cute toget-" Bree stopped herself then laughed. "Wait I'm sorry. You are way more beautiful obviously the perfect girl for him."   

"Duh," I flipped my hair. Then we both laughed.     


Finally done with my homework, I grabbed my laptop and logged into twitter. I started reading everyone's tweet and sent out my own.   

Homework done. Now gonna listen to some R5 then sleep.  

I tweeted my pointless tweet and played want you bad. I sang along while doing a few different things on my laptop. I checked R5's twitter because I could never find their tweets in my timeline. I followed too many R5 family members who really loved to tweet.   

They said that they were going to start touring again. I sighed, every time they came to my area something always came up and I couldn't go. And people tell me I'm lucky to be in Cali, I laughed. Yeah right.   

Sometimes I wished I could travel to the places they were at. Or maybe go back and find a way to meet them when they came near me. I was wishing for things that weren't possible so I just laid down sliding my hands on my face. 

Eventually I knocked out and didn't realize till I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and turned over. My eyes went wide. I figured I wasn't in my bed. I was on the ground, grass itching at my face, and when I looked down a ladybug was on my nose. I jumped, the bug flying away. I still didn't know where I was besides it being a park I've never been to. I was dreaming right?  

I heard laughing in the distance, then one of them yelling but not from anger. I slowly got up leaning against a tree. For some reason I couldn't stay balanced unless I had support. I still couldn't see so I slowly made my way there. I leaned against the closest tree, finally getting a better view of the people laughing and yelling. I was confused as to why there were instruments and when my eyes landed on the people near them, my eyes went wide and I gasped.       


Only the first chapter so obviously it's a little weird..I guess lol  

And not the greatest.  

Dates might possibly be wrong as I go along because I don't know the exact dates. I don't have time to look them up if they are anywhere. I have to write imagines on tumblr and I have original stories somewhere else so yeah. I'll try my best to update this if anyone reads it..

plus it's's all fake so the dates can be whenever I want them to be..blink blink :)

But uh I hope you like it and chapter 2 will be up soon! :3

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