『♡』Chapter Ten『♡』

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The sound of water from a shower faucet could be heard now as it rained down on plump s/c skin making it glisten in the light that it had so far in the shower room.

Y/n scrub her body with a wash rag the school provided for her, which she thanks cause she hasn't brought her own and needs too. "...So much has happened for the past few minutes or was it hours...hm...I can't remember.." Y/n mutters to herself staring at the title black and blue checker wall.

She sighs as she continues to wash then rinsing off, turning off the water and was about to get out but before she could two pair of strong pale hands slam against the wall in front of her.

A gasp left the girl [lip color] lips as she covered up her main private parts and looked over her shoulder seeing long wet black hair that just shine in the light. Y/n swear she she sees a bit of some type of color in it but couldn't tell what, but in all honesty she didn't care about that she just wanna know who is this guy in the wash room with her cause all of the males should be done washing leaving her to wash on her own with privacy.

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