There will come a poet

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He operated them as carefully as he could....

However the situation grew more and more unstable

The team he called finally arrived at the assist him with medical attention

Young scientist: "W-what's the situation sir?"

Aaron: "Their core has been damaged!!"
"We'll need to overcharge them to force their bodies to heal"
"But their core is too damaged....we might have to remove them"

Yc: "W-what!? but-"

A: "We are out of options!!!, go ask Ballister outside for consent, since he is a close friend of theirs....but you need to hurry! Or else they'll die!"

Yc: "O-okay"

The young woman rushed outside, running past Sara, and arriving where Ballister was, completely out of breath

He was sitting next to Ambrosius....hoping for the best

Ballister: "H-hello? Do you need help with anything miss?"

Ana: " name is Ana, from Dr Aaron's team"

B: "T-then do you have any news-"

She lifted her hand, gesturing him to stop

Ana: "We are currently operating them"

"But we might have to remove their core...."

A: "T-the core?"

Ana: "i've come to ask for you permission and consent...since you are their closest friends"

Ballister brooded profusely on the matter, before nodding

B: "if there is something they really's to not be what they are....please save them at all costs"

She nodded to him and rushed back to the lab
Announcing that they had permission

So the team got ready in order to perform the operation

Aaron: "Careful now...."

He said while carefully removing the core while an energy battery using their blood samples supplied the shapeshifters, helping them heal

They managed to sever all connections of the core to the body, and pull it out before their bodies closed the wounds

Aaron: "We did it! YES!"

"Now let them rest"
"Put them on life support and make sure to keep track of their heart rate"
"Also use serum to provide nutrients..."

He looked down with a saddened expression

"They're human now....they have been living off of pure energy up until today"

"They'll need as much nutrients and protein as possible to avoid their systems completely failing"


Once everything was finished

He wiped his sweat from his forehead and drank from a water bottle...
His senses resetting back to normal as the tension eased down

He walked into the room where they were and sat next to them
Letting out a sigh

"I'm sorry....for taking away your gift..."
"But it had to be done little fellas"

This situation reminded him of his 20s

A young man with a bright future ahead....he was a genius

Should everything fall apart (Nimona x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now