Chapter Two ୨♰୧

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(This isn't my story something I read enjoyed and wanted to share it doesn't not reflect Elijah’s Character it's different than tvd/to Elijah triggering topics)

The rest of her day spent with the Mikaelson's was uneventful, but then bed time came. Jess ushered Bonnie to a bath. Because apparently sitting around the house doing nothing all day makes you dirty. When she got out of the shower, Jess handed her a pale yellow silk nighty with matching lace panties. The gown fell mid-thigh, and had spaghetti straps that kept falling down her arm on one side. When Bonnie made her way out of the bathroom, Elijah was already laying on the ginormous bed clad in nothing but silk pajama bottoms. His hair was damp, so clearly he showered too in one of the other million bathrooms in the estate. She ogled him shamelessly. He was breathtaking. He patted the bed summoning her to him, but Bonnie's feet refused to move. Jess cleared her throat, clearly uncomfortable.

"Is there anything else you need Sir?"

"That will be all Jess. We will see you in the morning."

Jess bowed, and left the room closing the door behind her.

Elijah returned his attention to Bonnie whose feet were cemented in her spot by the door of the bathroom.

"Do I have to come get you witchling?"

That nickname was really starting to get on her nerves. She bit her lower lip to refrain from cursing him out. He was a vampire after all, and she didn't really feel it was the right time to test his temper. Instead she chose to stare at her feet. Elijah got up swiftly, calmly walked over to her, and picked her up bridal style. Her breath hitched when his hands made contact with her small frame. He walked her over to the bed, and gently laid her down. He crawled in bed next to her, and raised the silky sheets and plush comforter over them. He slithered in closer to her so they were spooning, and whispered in her ear.

"So tell me young one, did you ever lay with a man?"

Her eyes widened, her body stiffened, and she shook her head. She knew he wasn't referring to sleep. His hand slid down her body, and wrapped around her front were his fingers began moving up her thigh. Her body instantly heated up, and she felt goosebumps rise all over her body. The hem of her gown was slowly rising up with his hand, and soon his fingers met her panties. She moaned involuntarily.

"So I will be the first to enter you?" He asked while is fingers lightly danced around her lace covered heat.

She slowly turned on her back to face him. "Please don't." She begged even though her body was begging otherwise.

Elijah was a monster, he never denied that. He was a vampire, it's in their nature. He would never apologize for that, or pretend to be something he's not. Still all that considered, he had never once in all his 1000 plus years forced himself on a woman. Bonnie however, was different. She brought out the animal in him, and he needed to feel her. He wanted to be inside of her so bad, it hurt. And finding out she was untouched did nothing to sooth that ache. He could smell her arousal, so he knew what her body wanted.

"Hush young one, I won't hurt you." He whispered as his hand slid into her panties, and started massaging her clit.

Her breath hitched, and her back arched. She had never been touched like this before. Her wetness pooled into his hand and another moan escaped her lips, so he ripped her panties off.

She was petrified, and her body responded by trembling. "Elijah please don't. I…"

Before should could finish her sentence, his mouth was on her sucking hungrily at her center. She lost her mind, the sensation was too much.

"Oh God" She screamed as he continued to taste her.

She spread her legs wider, and gripped his hair tightly. Her head moved from side to side, and her hips began moving against him. Her eyes watered, and she moaned furiously as she came. Elijah kissed her passionately on the mouth as she slowly regained her senses. He pecked her forehead.

"Get some sleep witchling." He said as he fell back beside her.

When she woke the following morning, Elijah was already gone. Jess was running her bath, and laying out her clothes for the day.

"A'm I ever going to be able to dress myself?"

Jess chuckled. "Don't count on it."

This was ridiculous. Elijah was treating her like a doll, or some sort of toy. She didn't like it at all. After showering and dressing, Bonnie made her way downstairs with her attitude in full bloom. She made her way to the dining room where Klaus and Elijah were already seated having breakfast. Elijah was Business as usual, sitting stoic in his expensive suit. Bonnie rolled her eyes, and defiantly plopped down in the seat furthest from them ignoring the chair Elijah pulled out for her.

"Your juvenile behavior is undesirable." Elijah said sitting back in his seat straightening his tie that was already straight. "You're reminding everyone of how young you truly are witchling."

Bonnie had enough, she was sick of the nicknames. She was sick of Elijah treating her like a child. She couldn't hold her tongue any longer.

"I wasn't too young for you to have your face buried in my crotch."

Klaus chuckled, clearly amused. Elijah on the other hand wasn't. His facial expression changed. It was the first time Bonnie seen any sign that he had actual muscles in his face. She did however; realize her mistake when she heard his chair screech across the floor violently. He was standing behind her in seconds picking her up by her shoulders. He dropped her in the seat next to him, retook his seat, pulled her chair closer to him, and whispered in her ear.

"You don't want to test me young one. I guarantee you won't like the punishment I dish out."

Klaus was thoroughly entertained. He had never seen anyone ruffle Elijah's feathers so much. He slapped the table playfully.

"I like her." He announced, voice dripping with enthusiasm.

Just then the butler came in the room. "The Salvatore brothers are here to see you sir."

Elijah wiped his mouth with his napkin. "Ah yes, show them in."

Bonnie nearly choked on the eggs that were just placed in front of her as two of the most beautiful beings she had ever seen in her life walked in. Elijah grabbed her hand forcing her to her feet.

"Bonnie Bennett, this is Damon and Stefan Salvatore. They will be surveilling you."

Bonnie rolled her eyes. 'Now he's having me followed?' She thought. 'Elijah is certifiable.' She put on her best fake smile.

"Hi… Nice to meet you," she said stretching her hand out to the younger Salvatore.

He shook her hand firmly. When she offered her hand to the eldest brother, he lifted it to his mouth and kissed it.

"il piacere è mio bello." (the pleasure is mine beautiful)

Bonnie felt a tingle throughout her whole body when his cool lips made contact with her skin. Damon Salvatore had managed to captivate her in two seconds.

"Flattery si arriva nessun dove il Signor Salvatore." (flattery will get you nowhere Mr. Salvatore)

Damon raised a brow. "You speak Italian?" he asked.

"Fluently," Bonnie boasted. "Along with Spanish, French, Latin, and Ebonics."

Klaus laughed boisterously. He really really liked this witch. A small smirk appeared on Damon's face while Stefan full on smiled. Elijah placed his hand on the small of her back as if warning her to behave. She stepped away from him audaciously, and grabbed the arms of Stefan and Damon.

"Gentlemen… Shall we?" She said walking them into the next room while throwing Elijah a saucy look over her shoulder. Elijah growled, and Klaus laughed again patting his brother on the back sympathetically.

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