Chapter II

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Damion was taken aback while stumbling to his feet. His face was trembling in fear as an unknown being suddenly flickered in front of him. That being has the shape of a human body but is entirely covered with dark flames and is faceless. It can talk, as it arrogantly greeted Damion. "What’s up, useless human?"

It then morphed, mirroring Damion’s entire look, from the short black hair, brown eyes, mid-sharp nose shape, and thin body. It also copied the same outfit as Damion's: a pair of school physical education uniforms and a sneaker.

"W-who in the hell are you?", Damion tremulously inquired while reversely crawling away from the unknown being.

The unknown being chuckled and, in a bit, flickered again towards Damion; their faces were almost contiguous with each other. It suddenly filliped Damion’s forehead while giving him a wide smile. In a conceited tone, it said, "Who do you see in front of you? That's what my name is-"

It paused speaking and abruptly floated up. It suddenly vanished in an instant in the mist, like ash blown away by the wind. Seconds later, its voice suddenly resounded in the surroundings while continuously speaking at Damion, "-You and I are one now, human!"

Damion’s face was confused while processing what the unknown being had said. He rubbed his forehead after being snapped and stood up while taking a quick deep breath. While stuttering, he took courage to speak and ask the unknown being.

"I-I D-don’t understa-stand what you were talking about! What do you mean that you and I are one?—and where the hell am I?"

A weird, dark vine suddenly sprouted and crawled swiftly as it wrapped around and rooted Damion into the ground. A dark hue of flames then burst above him, and from the dark flames, a gray ash morphed that looked like Damion. It laughed hysterically while floating.


It then sarcastically praises and questions Damion while smiling broadly: "What a funny human! Haven’t you realized that I already took your body? Haven’t you remembered anything?"

Damion’s eyes widened in a state of stupefaction. He was in disbelief as he looked at the unknown being. He suddenly remembered the bizarre parasitic creature that forcefully went inside his body. In an incredulous tone, he then inquires, "W-where you that parasitic creature?! D-does that mean you killed me?"

The unknown being suddenly zapped and held the face of Damion using its index finger; shortly after, it lifted it and then reached Damion’s ears, and later on, it whispered in a serious tone.

"I did! And I have no intentions to take your body, but..."

It suddenly paused speaking. After a while, it slowly floats away from Damion's ear while showing a long stare. A moment later, its face abruptly gave a wide smile while bit by bit turning to ash. It then continued to speak to Damion in a fast, jovial tone while slowly turning to ash and vanishing out of the mist again. "...You really are going to need to save yourself for now, human!".

The weird dark vines that tangled Damion suddenly burst into flames, also turning into ashes. Damion breaks free from being tangled. His face is in a state of confusion while lying down on the ground. He slowly stood up while calling out to the unknown being, "Hey, what do you mean by that? I-I just don’t know what in the hell is going on!"

There was no response from the unknown being. All of a sudden, an intense vibration occurred, pulling Damion into the ground. "W-what in the hell!", It was such a strong force of vibration that the entire area started to create a cracking sound and a narrow earth split. After a few seconds, the ground, together with Damion, collapsed and fell into a dark, empty space.He was screaming in fear while free falling at a high velocity together with the rock debris. And as he fell even more deeply, he felt that the air was getting thinner and thinner as his chest began to tighten.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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