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Hello and welcome to my story, The Crow-A Second Chance, (Working on the title.) my take on The Crow-Stairway to Heaven.

(If you are not familiar with the Crow series, I suggest you have a quick read of the plot as to understand the plot of the story.)

This story will be based on the plot of the series and movie but with some changes; the first chapter takes place right after the battle on the church roof between Top Dollar and Eric but instead of Eric going to heaven or wherever with Shelly, Eric must stay on Earth because he saved Sarah, (a deleted scene from the film shows the Skull Cowboy warning Eric if he helps Sarah he could be stuck on Earth like him.) and now has to help the living.

 It will (hopefully) be darker than the series, more like the movie, Crows can kill but so long as it's not an innocent person, otherwise they become 'Snakes.' (I very much liked the lore of the Snakes and wanted to keep them in the story.)

II will be basing Eric off of Brandon Lee's version of the character and try to mix in some of the comic book version in too, (Sames goes for the Crow itself, that will be based off the comic.) along with most characters from the movie being based off the original cast and some characters from the show that weren't in the film played by their respected cast.

I will be keeping the idea from the series of the Crow 'face/mask' only appearing when needed, as it would take too much time and be unrealistic (in the plot of this story anyway) to be putting on makeup every time Eric needs to save someone or other such things.  

Some chapters will be based off some episodes from the series and some made up by myself that I think fit within this plot.

And lastly, I do not own the Crow (film or series obviously) only some original characters. 

I hope you enjoy the story and the journey it takes you.  

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