Chapter Five

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It would have seemed that luck had been on Albrecht's side that night in the church. After two weeks in the hospital, Albrecht was given the news that he could return home. Going back into the field of crime would have to wait longer until the wound was fully healed and the stitches had been removed, but nevertheless, the police officer was happy to be able to look forward to the comfort of his own apartment and some peace and quiet. Well, as quiet as one could get living in downtown Detroit. Sarah had told him she would come by everyday to help in any way she could. As had a few other colleagues who had come by to visit him. Albrecht noticed Torres hadn't been among the crowd to wish him well, although the detective had apparently sent his regards and said he 'hoped he got better soon'. Not that it mattered to Albrecht much, Torres wasn't known for being sentimental to his fellow colleagues, much less coming to visit with flowers and a 'get well card'. Not an ounce of gratitude was shown after the 'vigilante killer' was caught, but that was Torres for you; cold, arrogant, only caring for himself. Albrecht was sure the man had a stone instead of a heart. The contrast between the detective and Eric for example....Albrecht smiled to himself at the thought of the dead man.

His whole view and belief on the afterlife had been turned upside down, and of life in general. He was still somewhat in disbelief of the whole thing, had Sarah not been there he would have been inclined into thinking it had been some bizarre dream. But that was far from the truth. Somehow, something, a crow! of all things, had resurrected a man who had been dead for a whole year for a chance to get justice for what was done to him and the one he loved. It gave the man a small piece of hope, knowing that someone, something, whether it be God or crows, (Albrecht didn't know anymore at this point) was out there watching over them. In a world filled with injustice, evil and horrors, much of what Albrecht saw with his own eyes, there was something out there that helped put the wrong things right.

A soft caw stopped Albrecht in his train of thought to look towards the window across the other side of the room. A large, sleek looking crow sat peering into the hospital room. The police officer gave a nod to the bird, and watched the supernatural creature give a final caw before opening its wings and taking off into the night sky.


I have finally gotten round to writing another part to the story. I know it's short but I will be continuing the next part shortly, so bear with me and hopefully the next part will be up soon.
Thank you for the support on this story that I have gotten so far. It means a lot.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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