When You Comfort Them:

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• Kokichi Ouma

* Kokichi prefers physical affection when he's feeling stressed compared to virtual affection.

* He tries to lie his way out of it, tries to deny it even to himself, but...

* Somedays, he just feels stressed, and that's perfectly human.

* He just needs someone to let him know that it's all okay, and that's where you come in.

* Shoulder-massages are a common tradition for whenever he's feeling stressed. It helps ease some of the tension that's caused by it, and it brings him back down to reality for a little while.

* Usually what'll happen is he'll start angrily ranting or muttering whilst you're doing his shoulders, and you just patiently listen, never showing any sign of irritation or boredom.

* If he lies to you, it won't be for long, as you know how to get to the bottom of him.

* Doesn't stop him from lying.

* However, if he really just doesn't want to speak about it, you oblige, and give him affection instead.

* He shakes a bit when he's overwhelmed, so you try to be gentle with him as you bring him back to comfort.

* Cuddling him, stroking his hair, massaging, it's all there.

* Sometimes you'll gently stroke away stray hairs from his face, and just softly smile at him. He'll smile back, before leaning in for a hug.

* "Let's just talk about it, okay? I know it's hard, but, please, be honest with yourself."

* If Kokichi is highly stressed, you'll stroke the tips of his fingers, and gently brush your hand over his.

* It may seem odd, but it's Kokichi's favourite piece of affection you give him, as that's just something only you do.

* It soothes his speech, and helps him to breathe.

* "You're going to be okay. You're a leader, and leaders are strong. What you're doing right now is a sign of it, but sometimes you need some support, and that's more than okay."

• Hajime Hinata

* It was a well-known fact to you that Hajime was insecure about his talents, and himself, but...some days it just reached an all time low.

* He doubts how good he really is, and really questions his worth.

* He tries to act fine, but sometimes it just slips.

* All you can do is tell him how you see him, and let him know that he doesn't need to be amazing at everything to be good enough.

* Physical contact helps, but if it's done too excessively it can put him off.

* So, as he vents out all his frustrations, you pull him close to your chest and gently, slowly, stroke his hair. It helps him breathe, and deliver himself easier.

* Sometimes it's hard for him to convey his feelings, and so you tend to prepare tea so he has time to gather himself.

* "You're good enough, Hajime. More than good enough. Sure, you may have flaws, but we all do, and I think it makes you more human."

• Nagito Komaeda

* Physical affection is key.

* One of the good things about Nagito is that he cannot hide how he feels to save his life, so he can let his problems out to you and take some weight off his shoulders.

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