Chapter 3

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On the table in front of me was a pen. I closed my eyes and held out my hands, breathing in. The power surged through me and the pen started to rise from the table. It hovered there for a bit and I stared intently at it, trying to melt it or something. Sure enough, it started to sag in the middle and drip down onto the table. Again, I stared at the remaining pieces of pen, willing something cool to happen. But nothing did. I frowned and put it back on the table. A few more times I tried it, but each time I got the same result. Nothing. In anger, I dropped the pen back onto the table and it burst into flames. My eyes widened as I rushed to the kitchen to get some water. I grabbed a few glasses and filled them with water. Rushing back over, I tried to stop the flames from spreading but it was no use. They had engulfed the entire table and were starting to make their way across the carpet. I stared at the flames in anger and imagined them disappearing but what actually happened was the complete opposite of what I wanted. The fire started to rise up in front of me and form the shape of a dragon.

There was a fire dragon in my house.

At this point, I screamed louder than I'd ever screamed before. Panicking, I ran to another room in the house, but I knew that it was following me. I curled up in the corner of the room like a coward and just waited for it to engulf me. But nothing came. I dared to open my eyes. It was just floating there, watching me. Waiting. I slowly uncurled myself and sat against the wall. It continued to watch me.

"Are you gonna eat me, or..." I asked, a little confused. It cocked its head to the side.

"Er, well I'm not quite sure -" My sentence was cut short when I caught my reflection in a mirror across the room. Red glowing eyes met my gaze and I jumped. I just stared at the mirror in horror and realised suddenly what was happening. I was controlling the fire dragon.

Standing up warily, I kept eye contact with it and edged out of the room. I ran for my phone, which was on the table in the next room but before I could reach it, something knocked me onto my back. The fire dragon was on top of me, smiling playfully. I looked down in horror to see that it was making contact with my body. But the flames didn't burn me. And this dragon seemed pretty friendly. Suddenly the doorbell rang and my eyes widened in horror.

"Look, buddy, I don't know what the hell is happening right now but you've gotta get out of here. Someone's at the door." The dragon cocked his head to the side in confusion. I rolled my eyes. I guessed I shouldn't have followed my own advice and sparked a new flame.

"Blaze! Get off me!" I shouted suddenly in anger and the dragon backed up a few paces. He was obviously surprised that he was being named. A small ball of fire erupted within my hands. Instantly, Blaze's eyes followed the fireball. I looked down at it and smirked. As hard as I could, I threw it into the dining room and the dragon sped after it.

"Now stay there!" I shouted and went to answer the door. But at last minute I grabbed my sunglasses, remembering my eye colour. I opened the gates and the door, and watched as Lydia walked down my driveway towards me.

"You could've told me that you had come home! I went up to the studio as well." She exclaimed in annoyance.

"I'm so sorry. But I was just feeling a little ill and needed some time alone." Well, that hadn't exactly happened.

"Can I come in?" She asked and I was about to reply when a deafening crash came from somewhere within the house. I cringed and Lydia peered over my shoulder.

"What's going on in there?" She asked suspiciously and I shook my head.

"I don't know, I'm just gonna quickly check it out and then I'll be back." I said lamely, running back through the house to the dining room. My jaw dropped as I saw an overturned table (which just so happened to be the one I set on fire in the first place), a chandelier smashed on the floor and my dogs cowering in fear in the corner. My jaw dropped but there wasn't anything I could do about it at the moment.

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