chapter two - Savannah

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I woke up the next morning in Theon's penthouse, still feeling groggy. The weight of my decision to enter this unsettling arrangement hangs over me, but the thought of my mother's health keeps me from having too many doubts. 

Surprisingly, I managed to get a great night of sleep, despite my initial anxiety. I glance at my phone and note the time - 7:47 am. Uncertain of whether Theon is home or has already left, I decide to get ready before going downstairs, hoping to make a good first impression.

As I stretch and yawn, I take in the sparsely furnished room and can't help but feel like an intruder in this luxurious space. I still wonder how Theon feels about all of this – if he resents me for agreeing to this arrangement, despite it being as much his need as mine. I just want to get to know him, his motives for this and get to know his feelings.

After my quick morning routine in the bathroom, I stand in front of the wardrobe mirror, examining my reflection. I choose a comfortable yet presentable outfit, not knowing what the day might hold. The thought of meeting Theon for the first time fills me with nervousness and curiosity.

Satisfied with my appearance, I leave my room and venture into the hallway, contemplating my next move. The penthouse is quiet, and I wonder if Maria might give me some information about Theon's schedule.

As I walk towards the living area, I can't help but be awed by the space, with its stunning city view and high-end furnishings. In the kitchen, I find Maria going about her morning routine.

"Good morning, Savannah," Maria greets me warmly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Surprisingly, yes," I reply, feeling a bit more at ease. "Is he around?" I whisper.

Maria nods. "He's in his home office right now. I'll let him know you're up, and he can see if he has time to meet with you."

I thank Maria and decide to take a moment to enjoy the view from the living area while I wait for Theon to respond to my presence. I contemplate the uncertainties and challenges that lay ahead.

After a few minutes that feel like an eternity, Maria returns from the office with a smile. "Mr. Harper is waiting for you," she informs me, pointing towards the dark wooden door.

I knock on the door before opening it, revealing Theon Harper immersed in his work. He doesn't look up, and his tone drips with condescension as he speaks. I got to admit, he does look handsome - dark buzzed hair, hazel eyes and even though he's sitting, he seems tall. He's wearing a white button up, he looks neat and clean.

"Savannah," he says disdainfully. "Have a seat." His gesture feels more like an order than an invitation. 

I nod and take the seat, feeling Theon's gaze on me. He leans back in his chair, a mocking smile playing at his lips. "So, you're the one they've brought into my life," he sneers. "I hope you're worth the trouble."

My discomfort intensifies, but I try to maintain my composure. "I'm just here to play my part," I reply, my voice steady but edged with frustration.

Theon chuckles derisively, his eyes never leaving mine. "We're both stuck in this charade, aren't we?" His words are laced with sarcasm, making it clear he's not pleased with the situation.

I take a deep breath, trying to keep my emotions in check. "I understand that this isn't ideal for either of us, but it's necessary."

He leans forward, his piercing gaze locking onto mine. "That right here is necessary for you, not me. I want no part in this, I'm in this because of my father. I won't pretend to be pleased about it."

The tension in the room is palpable as Theon's disdainful words hang in the air. It's evident he has no intention of making this arrangement any easier for me, but he has no reason to. I can feel the weight of his resentment, and it's clear his reluctance to be a part of this is only matched by his disdain for my involvement.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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