Is this a dream?

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Namjoon POV :

I should probably sleep now, I worked out a lot now my body is sore and tomorrow I've to wake up early tomorrow to write songs for my next solo album and not to forget the shoot with Vogue.

Author's POV :

With that Namjoon went to slumber not knowing what fate is awaiting him.

Bang chan's POV :

I've so much work still looks like I won't be sleeping tonight too but maybe I might get to sleep for 2-3 hours nah fuck all of this why should I sacrifice my precious sleep for JYP imma head to sleep he'll figure out HIS work on his own.

Author's POV :

With that Chan also went to sleep, obv why should he sacrifice his sleep for Jyp's work he's old enough to figure it out on his own.

In the morning...(yes itzy hehe)

Namjoon's POV :

I woke up thinking my body would still be very sore from last night but it wasn't oh wait! this isn't my room, why are there so many LEDs here? but most of all where in the world am I? it doesn't look like someone kidnapped me otherwise wouldn't I be tied or smth and why'd the place also look so nice. Thinking this I walked out of the room and I was met with MINHO!? What is he doing here?

Namjoon : Minho?

Minho : Yeah what?

Namjoon : What is going on?

Minho : Wdym we're late because of you, Han was trying to get into your room for the past 15 mins but it was locked now go get ready fast we've recording to do

Namjoon : Idu anything

Minho : What do you not understand in this?

Namjoon : Nothing I'll go get ready

Author's POV :

Confused, Namjoon was on his way back to "Chan's room" thinking that this may all be just his dream but then he bumped into Jeongin.

Jeongin : Be careful Channie Hyung

Namjoon : Wha! Oh sorry and thanks

He quickly ran into the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror and as he had thought he was indeed Chan.

Namjoon : No how could this be? Am I dreaming? This is a dream right it has to be

He pinches himself to check whether it hurts or not and

Namjoon : Ouch! This is definitely real but how tho?! Is this some evil magic?

At the BTS dorm...

Bang chan POV :

Chan : Aha! I haven't slept like that in ages and the sun is so bright today perfect day to go out for a run

As I quickly noticed this definitely wasn't my room wait where am I? ngl the minimalistic touch is nice wait! I'm not supposed to get distracted but srl this is damn good but LEDs would make it look much better. Wait no I've so much work to do but first of all, I've identify this place maybe I sleepwalked somewhere? I walked out of the room and into the lobby and I saw JIN HYUNG!

Jin : Morning joonie come I made breakfast, everyone else already had their breakfast but you were sleeping in so we thought we'd leave you to rest

Chan : (In his mind : Wait did he say joonie, am I Namjoon hyung?) Thanks hyung ig...

Jin : Btw hobi, jiminnie, and kookie are out for dance practice, yoongi is at the studio, me and tae are going out for grocery shopping so you've some free time till noon and then we've practice.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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