In the Eye of a Hurricane

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The first thing everyone sees is what looks like the ruins of a castle courtyard.

Instantly Jade's breath hitches in her throat. Her eyes stare at the screen in absolute shock. When the Fates said that they would be watching their past and present she did think this would be part of it.

All of a sudden the brightest flash of light anyone has seen comes from the middle of the courtyard. On one side the light was green, the other side was red.

Zooming in, the green side of the light was shown to be coming from a man with no hair, no nose, and skin so white it seemed like paper. He seemed to be wearing a flowing black cloak, but he was covered in dirt and grime.

On the red side of the light, a young woman was shown. She had long brown hair tied in a half up half down style, a scar on her forehead, and dark clothes. She was just as dirty as the person she was fighting, if not more so. The girl also had a few cuts on her face and hands.

Leaning forward in his seat Percy squinted at the screen.

Suddenly recognizing the similar features he nearly shouted, "Mom?! Is that you?!"

With the screen paused because of Percy talking everyone had a better opportunity to look between the two women. Jade despised this attention. She hadn't experienced something like this staring in so long.

It only reminded her how much she hated it.

After about a minute she got fed up and answered her son. "Yes, Percy. That's me when I was about 18." Percy couldn't help it as he blurted, "What the fuck?!"

Jade couldn't even reprimand her son at that moment. Instead, she was watching the gods and goddesses look at the screen intently. She wanted to know if any of them ever cared enough about issues that weren't their own and would realize who she truly was.

To the woman's slight surprise, Apollo was the first to whip his head in her direction. Not revealing anything yet he said, "You can't be her. That's impossible?" Jade crossed her arms and replied, "You're the god of knowledge. You tell me."

Sitting next to Apollo, and obviously confused, Hermes asked, "Who are you all talking about? Who can Jade not be?"

Knowing everyone was paying attention to them, and that the information would come better from the source, Jade stood and moved to the front of the room.

From under her right sleeve, Jade let her wand fall loose. She heard Apollo let out a gasp but ignored him. Looking over everyone she licked her lips before saying, "This girl on screen is me. Like I said, I was 18 at the time."

As she continued to speak she started pacing and twirling the wand she held between her fingers with expert ease.

"To be blunt... I'm a witch. You all would understand it as Hecate's blessed." Jade saw the shock cross nearly everyone's features. Pointing at the screen as she walked by she said, "That is the Battle of Hogwarts. A man, if you want to call him that, named Voldemort was terrorizing wizarding England. I was the one to stop him. Mostly because I was the only one that could."

Jade had stopped pacing to face everyone once again. Taking a deep breath to brace herself, she clasped her hands in front of her, her wand held tightly between them, as she revealed, "Jade Jackson is not my real name. I made it up. My real name is Harriet Potter."

Everyone was silent for what felt like forever.

The first to make a sound was Percy.

Standing from his seat he leaned his hands on the seat in front of him and said, "You saved the wizarding world! And didn't tell me?!" Jade slowly gave a shrug as she said, "No... I guess I didn't." Percy's hands roughly threaded through his hair as he freaked out. "You're a legend! They wrote freaking books about you! you've got your own chocolate card for gods's sake!"

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