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I woke up in Philips bedroom, it was noon, i guess a heavy sleeper is philip after all, since we got out of the hospital a couple of days now,

Russia suggested he stayed for awhile and wanted to keep an eye out for me or known as philip, if philip tried to do something unexpected..

I then got out of my room or known as Philip's room, I went to our tiny backyard that had a tiny greenhouse in it and filled with so many extraordinary and beautiful flowers and plants, one is called sampaguita and the other is called Rosas, both flowers where so beautiful, it reminded me of phil.

Speaking of phil, i was so glad i was given a second chance to even be with him, but he has been awfully quiet in the past 1 week, heck, he didn't even spoke in 1 and a half week. Something is up.


as I was thinking, thinking in the dark and gloomy voids of me and martial's mind, I wanted to tell him about why I was in the hospital, why I had a big bruise on my stomach..., but I am too scared to tell him, fuck, he would even be more overprotective of me., it was because of that yandere bitch that can't even accept no for an answer., motherfucker just killed my twin and didn't even fucking apologize..

I was flooded with anger and frustration, my aura was never the same since that damn asshole didn't even Apologize or even check if I was even ok, I mean.., I hate seeing his face and the looks of it thinking about it makes me wanna just vomit. But did not come and check if I was ok and not apologizing?, FUCK! I hate that!.

And How the fuck did past me even see anything on that guy?, a fucking yandere. I must say.

In the past days back when martial's funeral was done, I was filled with denial, anger, bargening, depression. And I cannot accept the fact my own twin basically got shot in the head.,

I'm so glad martial stayed and decided to be with me, but he still doesn't have his own body now, since his...[Unalive] body is in his cuffin underground 6ft below and can only take control of my consciousness while I'm here, in a dark gloomy and lonely void.

I always wondered did my friends and cousins even missed me?.....maybe no..
Heck, they don't even care about how I feel and hearing I almost [Unalived] myself? No.

I'm tired. I just wanna take a rest.

I just want to...

Not feel pain again, physical and mentally pain., I just want everything to be peaceful, I just want my people to not be stressed about and be struggling with life right now, I just want all of my drug and government corruption to stop. I want everything to stop.
I just want peace for my people and loved ones.

Yet I cannot get it that easy., I'm still a countryleader, and once if a countryleader of a country dies that country of them is no longer a country and will be just taken by close country leader neighbors.

If your also thinking. "Philip you can litterly leave, you're brother already got this, you need to rest.." I can't leave this world behind, if I die in me and martial's mind then he dies aswell. And that would lead to my parents that fought for it wasted.

I love being a countryleader, but at the same time it's like a curse. You're loved ones die and you're the only one who will have to suffer watching them die infront of you're eyes and experiencing the brutal and horrible trauma with you're twin.

To be continued...
From author: hi. I'm tired as fuck.😘🫶❤️🥹🤭

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