||"room mates are a pain in the a-"||

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||quick authors note, IDK HOW TO IMPORT PICTURES 😭😭😭😭 also, it's now Scara with Faruzan's spotlight now 😋||

"OH MY ARCHONS, CAN YOU STOP PUTTING YOUR STUFF IN MY ROOM?!" A loud shout was heard from Scara's room. "it's not my fault my room isn't big enough to fit all my belongings, plus, I will take them away once my room is a bit cleaner" Faruzan whistled while playing with her hair. Scara, enraged, uses his vision to yeet Faruzan's belongings that are in his room, straight towards Faruzan's face. 

Faruzan dodged all of the belongings except for her big fat dictionary book, which hit Faruzan on the forehead. "OW...!" She yelped, "WHAT THE HECK?!".

Scara ignored Faruzan as he quickly finishes the last touches of his room. He then slammed the door loudly, causing Faruzan to jump up for a second.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?" She yelled, banging on Scara's door. 

————-——-with sucrose and Lynette———————

"U-uhm..hi there" Sucrose said, trying that start a conversation. (Both girls finished unpacking) Lynette was currently on standby mode as she didn't reply. Sucrose tapped on Lynette's shoulder. 

"Exiting standby mode..." Lynette said, as she then look up at sucrose. "Need anything?". Sucrose stayed silent for a second before asking, "a-are you a robot? Puppet? No offense of course..! It's just...pretty amazing...!" Sucrose shyly commented.

Lynette shook her head. Sucrose then looked at Lynette, examining her. Later, when she realized she was being rude and quickly apologized. "O- S-so sorry! I got carried away..! Please forgive me!!!" Lynette just nodded and tried to smile (which didn't really work...) 

After a while, the girl just went back to their room to do whatever.

||Idk how highschool schedule goes, so ima make it up :') forgive me||

———————time skip to heizou———————————————

Heizou got bored and went to the paper which every student should have. (It was required) The paper shows what he has to do for today, the first day of school. 

"Hm...I already went to home room... unpacked... well, whatever, might as well go to my locker" heizou sighs as he sets the paper onto his desk as he walks down the hallway. 

While walking down the hallway, he accidentally bumped into Scara, who gave him a glare. 

"Watch where you're going, idiot." He coldly said before leaving. "Gosh... so rude" Heizou thought before continuing to go to his locker. That's when he suddenly realizes...

"OH SHOOT- I FORGOT TO BRING THE PAPER THAT HAS MY LOCKED COMBINATION!!" He yells, hurting Lynette's ears, as her locker was 10 lockers away from his. 

"Keep it down" Lynette said, trying not to raise her voice at Heizou. "Sorry!" Heizou quickly said before running down the hallways, going back to his dorm. "No running in the hallways" Lynette called after him.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, WHERE DID I PUT IT?!" Heizou screamed while rummaging through his dorm. "Don't tell me I lost it!!!". 

Meanwhile, poor kazuha's reading was interrupted by Heizou's scream. "What's going on?!" He said as he knocked on heizou's dorm room. 

"I- I think I lost my- paper..." heizou said, frantically looking. Kazuha sighed as he handed heizou the paper. "I found it on the floor in my room, you forgot to put your nam on there, by the way.". 

"AHHH thanksss! You're the best!" Heizou said while hugging kazuha tightly.

"Heh, no problem.. just being a good roommate!" Kazuha said while giving Heizou a thumbs up.


Words: 601

Goofy-ahh chapter. I will add on, just a bit lazy, I need suggestions help 😭🔫

This is so short I'm mad at myself. It's just I don't have enough time right now.

Bec is school and online problems, this might take awhile...


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