A dream or a nightmare?!

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Y/n was breathless, running at top speed.

Running away from the stranger who had been following her from the subway late 1 night.

Is this how it ends?!

Am I gonna die/killed/raped?

Such thoughts plagued her as she ran for her life.

Never in her life did she ever think something like this would happen to her.

It had been a week now that she noticed this person following her from the subway.

This tall lanky man in the black parka jacket with the hood on.

Staring at her from a distance, shadowing her everyday from the subway to her route to the dorms.

Most days she would be with friends and never alone.

So somehow it never bothered her much until today.

It so happened that y/n had to travel alone. Min Jae, her usual travel bud and best friend, had an extra shift at her part-time job.

In her attempt to shake off the stalker, y/n changed her route and somehow ended up in an unfamiliar neighbourhood.

Helpless, she couldn't think straight.

Even her phone died making matters worse than it could be.

After walking/ half running for a good 15minutes she came to halt and looked around panicking.

Slowing realizing she had strayed away from the usual route.

Only to find herself in a desolate parking lot near a shut down department store.

Not a soul in sight, just a few old cars scattered here and there.

Thankfully neither was the stranger.

Y/n tried to calm herself and clear her mind

She made up her mind to find a place to hide among the handful of cars

when suddenly a hand came out of nowhere, clasped around her mouth and dragged her away.

She flailed about desperately, tried to scream but to no avail, only to be pulled inside a pitch black car.

God save me please! I dont wanna die here- was the last thing she remembered before passing out....

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