Chapter 22

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The whole time at dinner, Hanni was glaring at me and so was her so called husband. He didn't say anything the whole time, just stared at his plate.

"Hello can I sit on your lap?" Zamora asked me cutely, I put my glass of wine on the table and smiled pulling her up to sit on my lap. She sat with her back turned to me, leaning backwards like I was a chair. She grabbed my fork and stabbed a big piece of chicken, I chuckled and took the fork from her and grabbed a knife and cut the chicken into small pieces then handed her the fork. She shook her head no and opened her mouth. I rolled my eyes and fed her as she jumped on my lap happily. This kiddo was so adorable unlike her father dearest who was looking at me like I stole his money.

"So Haerin what's your relationship with Minji?" Soobin asked with a small smirk, I knew this question will pop at some point in this conversation.

"Well, Minji here has been real depressed back in Korea. Saying she misses her mommy so much... The thing is I don't know which one." she winked at Soobin and I choked on my chicken. I looked up at Hanni who had a bigger smirk than Haerin and I cleared my throat.

"You see what I mean." she pointed to my red cheeks. I slapped her hand away from my face and glared at her.

"Well I think it's time for us to go don't you think babe." her husband finally said something tonight only for him to be a party pooper.

"It's so late and Zamora is already asleep I don't wanna wake her." Hanni said, I looked down and indeed the little kid was sleeping on my lap with her head laid against my chest. Her mom got up and walked towards us, she made sure to lean very close to my face so she can pick her kid.

I followed her with my eyes until she left my sight, her ass looks so fine in that dress, I thought to myself.


I can't believe I asked Minji and Haerin to stay over the night saying that Soobin can land Minji something to wear and I'll give Lee PJs that she declined saying she sleeps naked. Who the fuck does that?! And on top of that, they get to share a room.

"Mama? Why is Minji in our house?"
Zamora asked as I put her to bed. I kissed her forehead and smiled.

"Because she works with me and we're old friends." I said simply, she nodded her head and closed her eyes.

I turned off the lights and left her room making my way back to my room when I saw Haerin walk in the guest room or Minji's old room wearing a lingerie set. I felt a weird feeling in my chest but I chose to ignore it. I laid next to Jungwon who was in deep sleep, I was a tired from work so I was quick to fall asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, thirsty as hell and decided to go to the kitchen to get some water when I heard noises. First I was scared but the closer I got the more I realized the voice was familiar.

"If your mom finds out I'm feeding you sweets at 3 in the morning she'll kill me." I heard Minji's voice, I peeked my head and saw Zamora sitting on the kitchen counter wiggling her feet and her mouth covered in chocolate.

"What are you doing?" I said making the both of them jump. Minji put her hand on her chest terrified.

"You fu- scared me!" She whispered cutting the swear part because my kid was looking at her and definitely listening, I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed a wet tissue and started to clean Zamora's face.

"Hi mama" she said with a smile, I kissed her now clean cheeks and gently picked her up turning to look at Minji who was still eating candy and chocolate.

"Are you out of your mind Minji, you're feeding a 3 year old sugar in the middle of the freaking night and you? I thought you worked out?"

"It's my cheat day, and she was here first I just wanted water but look where I'm at" she rolled her eyes at me, I was about to say something but Zamora cut me off.

"We were here together, mama" she confessed, Minji's eyes widened and she glared playfully at Zamora. They looked so much alike, obviously because they're mother and daughter...

"Goodnight Zamora" Minji yawned leaving me and my kid in the kitchen. I'm just going to wait for the right time to tell her...

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