snip. cut. slash.

2 0 0

Sketchbook ran- it was all she knew to do in an emergency. It was what everyone did. But she wasn't looking where she was going- and tripped. One of her spirals snapped off, and fell into what she almost dived into- the waterfall. She was at the bottom of it, and the water splashed onto her front and back covers. She was covered head to toe in mud, water and leaves. Because of the missing spiral, her pages loosened and flopped around. She cursed underneath her breath, beginning to dig into her hand bag. Her real bag was on the exact table that killed Hand Ball. How unfortunate. Then it burst into flames.

Her hand bag consisted of art materials, as she was drawing at the time. There must be a roll of tape in here somewhere. A few moments later, she found a roll of small patterned tape. She used the tape to secure herself together. Maybe she could use the tape as a replacement for bandages, she thought.

What now? She looked around, seeing the waterfall river, a bunch of trees, and no people. She groaned, out of annoyance and exhaustion. What the hell even happened over there?



"Ow! What the- ffffff..."

Sketchbook stared at the object in the bush.


"SOCK?! No way, you were-"

"Hair Tie happened."



After everyone had ran away, Hair Tie kicked the table up into the air, it flying off beside her. She was burnt on one side and about to fall apart, but didn't give up and die. Yet. She grabbed Sock and shoved him into the fire, putting out majority of the flames around him. "I bet you that he's dead," she thought to herself, walking over him.

Sock woke up, dizzy and confused. Since most of the fire that was in his way was put out, he could get away easy. There was a rip near his eye and some of his string had burnt up as well.

He ran to the forest, just like everyone else had done. In search of someone.


"Oh right, you both aren't that flammable." Sketchbook muttered.

"Is that an insult?!"

"It would be if we weren't in a life and death situation."

The two looked at each other awkwardly.


Rugby Ball sat in the branches of a tree, biting off some leaves that were getting in her eye. She would've picked them off if her legs were available, but she was holding onto her bag by her feet. She tossed the bag up and caught it with her mouth, setting it down in a branch nearby.


Rugby Ball watched a rectangular shaped object walk beneath her. She squinted, trying to see who it was.


She opened her mouth to say something, but Novel was gone.

A missed chance to have a friend.

"Oh, Novel! Hey!"

Rugby Ball saw another figure run under her.

Hair Tie.

HT : "Sayy.. mind if I, uhh.. borrow a pair of scissors? There's a, uh.. string that keeps getting in my eye!"

Novel : "Oh, sure! Here you go."

Hair Tie picked up the scissors with her feet and lunged at Novel.


Rugby Ball jumped at Hair Tie from the trees and began kicking and stomping on her as much as she could.

Hair Tie wasn't one to be trusted, with anything.

Anything at all.

"Rugby Ball?! Wh- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Hair Tie slashed RB with the scissors and got up, hurling the scissors at Novel.



Bandage shrieked and jumped out of Plant Pot in a hurry.


"Not your fault." Bandage grumbled, huffing at the burn marks.

"Great. There's oil on my eye."

"What's so bad about that?" Plant Pot asked, adjusting his broken glasses.

"I can't SEE through OIL!"

"You don't even look half as bad as Pencil did."


"He was snapped in half."

"What the fuck?"

"Can you stop swearing?"

Bandage got up and grabbed Plant Pot's foot, dragging him towards the forest.


"Sorry, just assumed your legs were paralysed."

"You are so-"


Plant Pot jumped up and shoved Bandage forward, towards the voices.

Hair Tie was standing with a pair of scissors, covered in small pieces of paper. Rugby Ball was off to the side, biting on what seemed to be a hole, to keep her air inside. Novel was snipped up everywhere, and looked nothing like a regular book.

"What did you do." Bandage asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Do you have eyes? Gosh, everyone here must be blind." Hair Tie sneered at him.

"I think that-"

Novel jumped onto HT, grabbed the scissors of her and started stabbing her. Sounds of anger, sadness and guilt were mixed into Novel's yells.

"..So is she dead?"

"Shut up Bandage."

Hair Tie was mangled on the floor, bits of string were scattered around her dead body.

"Rugby Ball, you okay?" Plant Pot turned towards RB.





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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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