Chapter Two - "A Little Party Never Killed Nobody"

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As the car pulled up to the house, I felt like I was holding my breath. The house was lit up and decorated. People flooding the doors on their way into the mansion. I didn't grow up in the mansion. My parents have parties here so that villains think this is where the Dawson's live.

We parked and got out. I pulled slightly on my dress when we got out. I was wearing a dress fancy enough I felt like it was a homecoming dress.

It was gold colored, similar to the super suit my brother designed. I wanted to make a mock of his suit. I knew my parents would make him wear it tonight since he is turning nineteen.

Jess had Issac go ahead and take the kids up towards the mansion. I felt frozen though. I haven't seen my family in person s in e the day they rescued me from Lester.

Jessica stood next to me and took my hand before she says quietly, "Baby steps will get your farther then standing here,"

I blushed and looked at her before she smiled at me and nodded slightly, then we walked up towards the mansion. We got inside under my name and as soon as we did word must've gotten to Amherst and Harvey that their "cousin" was here Becuase Amherst's voice rang in my head, "Charlie! I'm up front!"

But the sea of people was thick so I didn't have much hope for getting to him.

I could see mom and dad sitting up on the second story, happily surveying their son's party.

Other supers kept flying between the second story and the first oI got the impression maybe Harvey was on the second story.

But I felt trapped, surrounded by so many people. Aunt Jessica had left me to go upstairs to find mom.

I could hear lots of whispers and murmurs coming for around me and i self consiousoy touched my hair. Was it possible that after 4 years people are think recognizing me?"

I immediately headed for the outside doors. I needed air. When I got outside I took a deep breath to control the swirling of my head.

Suddenly I heard, "Lindsey?"

I turned and it was Harvey. I guess I was wrong about him being on the second floor. His smile got huge and mine wavered for a second beofre growing as well. Harvey was a good four inches taller then me and the first thing I thought was how huggable he looked.

So I said softly, "can I hug you?"

"Of course." He says opening his arms I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

Then he lets go but I didn't so he pet my hair for a second befor ehr asks, "How are you?"

"Lonely." I say soflty before backing up and chuckling as I wiped mascara off his super suit, "I'm sorry."

He just shakes his head though and says, "God you've gotten so tall."

I laughed and said, "still shorter then you though.  I don't think I've ever been taller then you. I have Brent seller then Amherst though. Speaking of which, where is the birthday boy?"

Then I did a small twirl to show off my dress as I say, "I tried to mock his suit."

Harvey just smiled and said, "Just call for him... he'll hear you. He's got a particular skill for hearing things no one else can."

I nodded and Harvey opened the door so I shouted, "Amherst!"

A couple people looked at me and rolled their eyes, thinking I wouldn't get his attention over the crowd. However, I knew that he'd have heard my call and would've used his powers to read my thoughts. So I thought, "meet Harvey and I outside."

Then after a moment I heard a whoosh from behind me and there stood Amherst. We ran to each other and hugged. He held me so I started to cry again. When I backed off I said, "Darn you two stupid dorks making me cry on Amherst's birthday."

I wiped my eyes and Amherst puts a hand on my cheek as he says, "I'm so glad you came..."

I blushed and smiled before I twirled once again, now for Amherst as I say, "what do you think? I thought you'd laugh."

He shakes his head and smiled before I backed up and little and surveyed his outfit. Every super gets their shit when they turn nineteen. So Amherst had been working since he was eleven to design his super suit, however it seems the gold coloring was always a definite factor for him.

So I looked at it and said, "and what's your Supername?"


I nodded and looked at Harvey and says, "and yours is..."

"Apex. But I don't use it... everyone still calls me Harvey."

I nodded and looked between my brothers before I smiled and said, "ugh I've missed you both so much."

Then my face lit up and I pulled a small, wrapped present out of my purse and hand it to Amherst as I say, "I've been working on this."

He takes it and opens it and I watched I's face light up. It was a ring, with all three of our first initials stamped into it.

To my shock his eyes got a little teary as he slid it on his finger. Then he hugged again and says quietly, "it's not fair Charlotte. What happened to you. And it's been so hard not having you around... sometimes it really feels like you're gone:",

I blushed and said, "trust me... I hate not being around as much you do."

Then Harvey says, "Careful Amherst don't let anyone hear you,"

I shake my head and Amherst lets me go, however we knew we were win trouble when the doors open and mom's voice says angrily, "and what do you threes think you are doing?!"

I watched the door handle frost over and I knew mom was really angry.

I blushed and backed up hiding behind Amherst and he blushed but I saw a small sense of pride. A person being willing to use a hero, especially a new hero in training, as protection is seen as an honor.

He takes my hand to reassure me before he says, "we just wanted to talk to her".

Harvey now positioned himself between mom and Amherst and I. I blushed. Harvey still sees it his responsibility to keep us safe.

Mom shakes her head and said, "you three are going to get yourself in trouble! Boys go inside! Right now! Amherst, this is your party! You chose the guest list!"

My cheeks flushed in surprise now. So it was t mom's idea to invite me? It was Amherst's?!

But Amherst sighed and turned to me saying quickly, "I love you present... and I'm so glad you could come tot he party."

Then he and Harvey went inside, leaving just mom and I outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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