Chapter 1

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December 10, 2009

The sound of the leaves crushing and rain pouring down rang in Fay's ear as she slumped behind a tree, her breath heavy. She couldn't stop running. She would definitely catch her. Fay never lets her guard down any time else, why is she stopping now? As she was stopped behind the tree, she looked down at her hands, blood was covering both of them. She tried her best not to make any noise or she would be heard. Over the loud rain, she heard footsteps in front of the tree. She knew that if she stayed there she would not be alive in the next few seconds. Fay ran as fast as she could, the woman could see her now more than before. Tears rushed down her face. She suddenly slipped over a log, her body smacked down against the hard dirt, and her body tingled and stung from the impact. Fay quickly opened her eyes when she realized what had happened, she was trembling as she looked up at the spinning sky. As she lay in the mud, the rain spat at her face continuously. In the darkness, she could make out that the woman was standing over her and she had a bat in her left hand. "Please don't hurt me," Fay whispered in fear under her breath. Staring straight at her, the woman swung with just enough force to knock her out, but not kill her. Fay had gotten her consciousness back, she stayed still just in case the woman was watching her. She used her hearing to figure out where she was. She knew she was in a vehicle because she felt the seats rocking from the gravel below. Fay's mind traced off to the memories with her mom. Fay's mom had died when she was ten, her mom was her best friend. They would do everything together, one specific memory had swallowed her mind. Fay was suddenly at her favourite park when she was a kid, she knew that this was a dream but it felt so real to her. Fay's mom walked over to her asking if everything was okay. "Mom, I miss you so much, I remember when you told me to stick up for myself. I've tried so hard to be strong ever since you left, but look where it got me!" Fay cried as she hugged her mom, squeezing her tight. Her mom looked confused as her little 8-year-old had said that. "Honey, what do you mean I left? I'm right here with you. You are strong Fay, just like me! Just know I'll always be here with you, alive or not," she said starting to tear up. Fay woke up gasping for air. She was confused if she was still in her dream or not. As she was looking around in the darkness, the moon lit up the wide field. She tried to stand up but she was pulled back by chains connected to a tree. "Where am I?" She swore under her breath. In the distance, the grass moved through the heavy wind. Fay was stuck. There was nothing she could do but scream for help.

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