Chapter 2

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September 9th 2010

"Hey Trina, I'm heading out! Are you okay with closing up today?" Lauren said as she walked over to Trina's office. Trina slid her chair over to the door frame, "Yep I can lock up, it was nice seeing you today. Have a great rest of your night Lauren!" Trina waved at her as she walked up to the front door. As Lauren walked out, she got smacked in the face with a gust of wind. She shivered at the cold breeze. She got into her car and started to drive to Le Monde, where her mom had texted to meet up. Lauren and her mom have always been close, but her dad, not so much. Her dad had been abusive to her and her mom. He was diagnosed with duel personality when Lauren was 7. Her mom, Mary, stays with her dad because she's paranoid that if she leaves him, no one will ever love her as he did when they were younger. "Hi I'm here on a reservation, under the name Mary," Lauren said as the hostess grabbed her menu. She looks tired, it was late, probably a long shift. Lauren walked over with the hostess to where her mom was sitting patiently. "Hi honey how are you! I missed you so much!" She said loudly, getting up and hugging her daughter. "Mom I saw you just last month," Lauren smiled, rolling her eyes. They sat down at the booth with their menus in front of them. "I know Laur, I just love you so much. I would see you every day if I could," she said with a pouted face, making Lauren feel guilty. She knew it made her mom sad that she left for university. "Sooo," Mary smirked at her. "Mom no, do not ask," Lauren interrupted. "C'mon please Lauren!" Mary smirked. Before Lauren could answer, Mary spoke up. "Have you met a good Christian boy?" Mary asked. "No mom, there aren't many Christian guys at my school," Lauren sighed. Mary gasped, "oh no I'm sorry...You know, I have some women at church that have pretty cute boys your age!" She whispered. "I think that I should leave it to God's timing," Lauren replied. Mary went quiet. Lauren's mom has been a Christian all her life. Lauren doesn't know specifically what her moms walk with Christ is like and she has never asked just in case it was emotional for her. Her dad was never a Christian, he lied to Mary when they were younger, until they got married. Lauren gave her life to Jesus when she was 10. When her dad started being abusive, she felt alone and that she had no purpose in this world. God reached out to her while she was walking home from school. A couple street preachers were singing along to upbeat worship music. She went up to them and started dancing along, she felt a warm comforting feeling lay upon her. One of the girls named Alana, grabbed Lauren's hands and danced with her to the beat of the music. When the song had finished, one of the men stopped the speaker from playing the next song. "Hi what's your name!" one of them said crouching down to her level. She smiled, "my name is Lauren. What kind of song was that? I felt like I was floating!" She jumped in excitement. "That was worship music. The reason why you felt like floating is because of the Holy Spirit!" The man said. She looked confused, "what's the Holy spirit?" She asked them. Her mom hadn't talked to her about God because she thought Lauren was too young for that stuff. "So Lauren try to keep up with me, I will try to explain it the best I can for you," he answered. "The Father created you, the Son, Jesus, has saved you, and once you accept the gift of salvation, the Holy Spirit lives inside you, helping you love God and others!" He exclaimed with a widening smile. She looked up at him, "so does Jesus love me? It seems like no one loves me right now." Lauren asked, starting to tear up. "Hey, hey, it's going to be okay. Jesus loves you so much that he died for you sweetheart," the woman explained. She looked shocked, "he died for me? Did he die for you too?" She asked them curiously. They all sat down on the curb of the sidewalk. "Yes, he has died for every single person in this world!" Alana said to her. Lauren's jaw dropped, "wow he sounds amazing! I want to learn more about him!" She exclaimed. The man looked at his watch and his smile faded, "I'm sorry Lauren but we have to leave now. I will give you this bible. Read the story of John, you will start to know who Jesus is." He explained to her as he handed the bible over. Lauren put the bible in her bag, and started to walk home. Ever since that happened, she has been obsessed with Jesus. She learned how to read so she could read the bible. Lauren stared at her shoes, "How's Jeremy?" She said as her mom sighed. "You know that's not the proper way to talk about your dad," Mary said awkwardly. "Your father is fine Laur, he has work right now so I'd rather talk about other things with the time I have with you." She looked as if she was about to cry. Lauren noticed, "Hey mom I'm sorry, it was a long day at work. How has your day been?" They talked for a while longer until they ordered. Le Monde was and still is Lauren's favourite restaurant. The times when she could go into town as a kid, is when she would get food at Le Monde. The restaurant owner would save her a plate of Cheese Soufflé every day. Now that she's old enough to pay, she gets the same dish every time she goes. The owner will always get notified if Lauren is at his restaurant. No matter what he's doing at the time, he comes over to see her. "Hi Lauren! You must be mom. Mary right?" The waitress asked. "Hi Alana, I haven't seen you in a while, How have you been? Also yes, this is my mom." Lauren exclaimed, slightly pointing at her mom. "Hi Alana!! So nice to meet you, how long have you known my daughter?" Mary said, shaking Alana's hand. "Ah yes it's been a while hasn't it," she looked up, laying the hand that had her notebook in, on her chin trying to remember. "I think around 10 years now, your daughter is a very lovely person...Also Lauren I'm doing very well. Thanks for asking! God is doing wonders in my life!" Alana took Mary's order since she already known what Lauren's was. After their orders were taken, Lauren and Mary sat in silence. Mary looked up at her "so Laur are you excited for your second year at university? I'm sure you are, since it's all about animals!" Mary exclaimed, trying to convince her. Lauren looked up from picking at her fingernails, "yeah, I'm pretty excited, I just want to make sure this is something I want to pursue full time,"  she said. Her mom sighed, "Lauren, you're twenty now, and you spent a whole year doing this program, why give up now? Remember when you told me how fun it was?" Mary explained. Lauren started to get upset, "look mom, it was a lot of fun but I also have to keep my options open. I'm taking the full program, I just want to keep my options open. That's all. I'm ninety percent sure I want to be a veterinarian." They got their food, and as always, Lauren enjoyed every bit of it. Lauren's mom paid for them and they started to head out. "How'd you like the restaurant mom?" Lauren asked as they waved to the hostess. "It was delicious! You already know I love anything with muscles,'' she moaned, sounding like she was eating the best dish in the world. "I'm glad you recommended Moules Provencal," Mary stuttered, pronouncing the dish name wrong. "I love how you pronounced that," Lauren said, giggling. "Oh shush, you know I'm terrible at pronouncing words in a different language," Mary exclaimed, laughing along with her. After walking up the street, they made it to Lauren's car. "I'm praying you have a great day at school Laur. Just remember your dad and I love you so much," She said, hugging Lauren. Mary pulled back from the hug, "also! I have a little gift for you," she cheered, reaching into her purse. Lauren looked surprised, she rarely got anything as a surprise from her parents. Her mom handed her a small gift box. As Lauren opened it her jaw dropped. "It's from your grandma, I found it when we cleaned out her place. She would want you to have it. I waited until I thought you were old enough to wear it," Mary smiled. Lauren started tearing up, "it's beautiful! Thank you so much, mom. You don't know how much this means to me!" She hugged her tightly. Lauren gave the opened box to her mom and pulled out the necklace with a small diamond charm attached to it. Her mom used her finger to indicate Lauren to turn around. Lauren lifted her long blonde hair, so her mom could easily put it around her neck. "It's beautiful Lauren, just like you," Mary slurred her words trying not to cry. She clipped the necklace together and Lauren turned to hug her again. 

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