Winx Club - Canon Changes

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I love Winx Club, but any fan can admit that there are some canon elements from the series that doesn't make much sense. For the sake of Dawn of New Genesix, there will be some canon changes to Winx Club. There are four different categories for each canon change I will make. The types of changes will be categorized as character, plot, location, and lore.

The canon changes will span from season 4-6 of Winx Club. A big canon change will be that seasons 7-8 do not exist. While I was not the biggest fan of season 6, there were elements in the story that add to the overall themes discussed in Dawn of New Genesix.

Also, I have implemented another canon change regarding fairy transformations. Enchantix is the main transformation that will be used. Any transformations that come after that are only used in certain situations. For example, a transformation like Sirenix would only be used in the Infinite Ocean.

Season Four Canon Changes

Character Change: Daphne is Dead

When Daphne sent baby Bloom away to Earth, in an effort to protect her and safeguard the Dragon Flame, Daphne was attacked by the three Ancestral Witches. Daphne died, at the age of 25, in battle when going up against Belladonna, Liliss, and Tharma and was turned into a disembodied spirit. As punishment for her actions against the witches, they tethered Daphne's spirit to Lake Roccaluce.

This particular canon change occurs during the movie, Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure. When the Winx Club defeats the Ancestral Witches, all their magical influence within the Magic Dimension fades away. The spell that was placed on Daphne is broken and her spirit is no longer tethered to Lake Roccaluce. Daphne's spirit is finally able to pass on and she is released into the afterlife.

Plot Change: Bloom Visits Domino

Typically, the movie, Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure, takes place sometime after season 4 of Winx Club. However, in the timeline of Dawn of New Genesix, the events of this movie will take place in the middle of season 4. After the Winx Club finally achieve Believix, Bloom takes a break from her mission on Earth to visit her parents on the newly restored realm, Domino. Sky frequently visits Bloom to spend time together and discuss their wedding plans. Yes, we're following the plot where Bloom and Sky got engaged at the end of the first movie, The Secret of the Lost Kingdom.

Plot Change: Bloom and Sky are Married

At the end of the movie, Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure, Bloom and Sky are finally married and they both relocate permanently to Eraklyon. This move doesn't take place, however, until the end of season 4.

Plot Change: Nabu is not Dead

Nabu is not dead, but alive. During the events of Dawn of New Genesix, Nabu still lays in a coma on Andros. After using his life force to save the fairies of Tir Na Nog, he falls into a coma.

Killing off Nabu had to be one of the biggest mistakes that the creator and writers of Winx Club have ever made. To this day Nabu has always been a fan favorite of the Winx fandom and he has always been one of my favorite characters of the entire show. I loved the fact that while Nabu and Aisha were arranged to be married, they got to know one another and fell in love with each other on their own terms. Them making plans for marriage and to live together on Earth in season 4 always pulls at my heartstrings.

Outside of their relationship, Nabu overall is just a great character. He's a powerful wizard, a skilled fighter, and just a kind, emotionally intelligent guy. Plus, it's always nice to have some POC representation amongst the Specialists.

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