Moving Out

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The day that Syn graduated, he moved out.

The ceremony was in the afternoon, so he (along with the help of Nuer) packed up what little he had in his apartment and moved it into a rental truck that Nuer had paid for.

Nuer had discovered a large enough apartment for the two of them to live in casually while also being close enough to the temple that Syn could go there whenever he needed to.

Nuer wasn't going to be able to move out for another two weeks, having to finish his lease with his landlord before he was able to leave, but he had more or less already left.

Anything that was of real value in his old apartment was already in his and Syn's new one. The only things that were left were already packed into boxes and waited in small stacks by the front door.

Nuer attended Syn's graduation with a warm heart.

He himself was not going to graduate for at least another semester since he had made the choice to switch majors.

He watched, his eyes focused on Syn with the pride that any loved one feels, and knew as he held the flowers close to his chest that he had made the right choice.

Despite being there purely for Syn, Nuer did still keep his distance from Syn's group of friends until Kuea and his fiancé had departed.

He knew that Kuea didn't hold anything against Nuer for what happened when they first met, but Kuea's fiancé did.

And on Syn's big day, the last thing Nuer wanted was to get into a fight with anyone.

Syn met Nuer about half an hour afterward, accepting the flowers he was given with open arms.

Nuer kissed Syn's cheek and murmured in his ear how proud he was of him.

It was then that all of Nuer's good intentions were defeated.


The call came from over the rest of the crowd, a voice that was unfamiliar to Nuer but all too recognizable for Syn.

Breaking through the crowd came a woman, followed closely by an older man.

She was tall and slender, dressed in designer clothes with her hair pinned in an immaculate bun on the top of her head. Her sunglasses covered her eyes, but as she strode through everyone, Nuer could sense the glare that she was giving to the man next to her.

The man, on the other hand, Nuer recognized immediately as Syn's father.

He was warm, his face gentle and despite the glare of the woman next to him, his smile extended up to his eyes. His clothes were worn smooth and the wrinkles in his face were perfectly placed. His attention was only on his son.

"My lovely son," he murmured, Syn rushing to give his father a tight hug, "Congratulations. I'm so proud."

Syn smiled and nodded at his father before stepping back.

He glanced at Nuer with eyes of worry and handed him back the flowers.

"Hello Mother," Syn stated, "Thank you for coming."

"You're welcome," she replied, the two of them standing a few feet apart, "I would like to discuss something with you."

Syn stood, his face with a neutral smile but his hands gripping the thin fabric of his graduation gown.

"Crown, not now," Syn's father spoke, "The boy just graduated college. Today is not about you."

"Then why did I come all the way here?" she snapped back, "The only reason I even knew about today was because you told me to come."

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