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Nuer could not understand how Syn's parents had gotten together in the first place. It didn't make any sense, seeing how completely different they appeared to be.

But as Syn started to tell Nuer more and more about his relationship with his parents, and what he knew about his parents' relationship with each other, the more that Nuer started to understand.

Syn's parents had met in college, and his mom, Crown, was the apple of his father's eye. There was nothing that Crown could do wrong to him, and after they graduated, they got married.

Their families couldn't have been more different from what they were now.

Bask, Syn's father, had grown up in relative luxury. His family had a company that had been in the family for years, but had sold it off only a few years back in order to retire. Bask worked in public education for ten years, then was accepted as a professor at one of the top universities for physics.

After the company was sold off, the family mansion was sold as well, and the last members of the family still in Thailand retired to classy condos and traditional homes in small villages outside of the cities.

They never wanted for anything, not money, not food, not housing.

Crown's family, on the other hand, grew up in squalor.

Her parents divorced when she was a child, and her and her father lived in a filthy apartment above an abandoned storefront. He was an alcoholic that could never hold down a job for longer than three weeks, and after she turned 16, he started on hard drugs.

She left the moment she was accepted into university on as many scholarships that she could manage, and never looked back.

Her mother was nowhere to be found, and her father died when she was 24.

By the time that Bask found out about it, her father had been dead and gone for three years.

She started to climb the ladder of life, her intelligence being her guiding force. When she married Bask, it was a social decision, not one of the heart.

She had made her own law firm and had rarely taken time off ever. One of the only times she had done so was when she gave birth to Syn.

Bask did his best to raise Syn, but struggling with a full-time position at the university, paired with all the bells and whistles that came with it, having a baby around proved to be difficult. His father recommended a babysitter, but his uncle provided the idea that shaped Syn to who he was today.

Whenever Bask was too busy to give his son attention, he left him with his uncle, a monk, to care for.

Crown started divorce proceedings when Syn was still 16.

It had been years now that the dispute had been going on, Bask's lawyers trying to make sure he wasn't ruined by his ex-wife while Crown did the best she could to make Bask's life a living hell.

Her life, it seemed, was fueled by hatred for something that Bask hadn't done.

Nuer held Syn close after their conversation about it, the two of them sitting in silence as Nuer tried to process all the information.


"I want to go into the monastery."

Nuer's hands stopped moving, the knife he was holding pausing in the middle of slicing a cucumber. He looked up, letting the knife fall slowly onto the cutting board.

He blinked, looking at Syn as his boyfriend held a book that was all about entering monkhood. He was studying the words inside intently, not paying too much attention to Nuer.

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