1 - The Unexpected Encounter.

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It was a typical Tuesday afternoon when I first saw her. I was at the local coffee shop, hunched over my laptop, trying to finish a paper that was due the next day. The place was buzzing with the usual crowd - students cramming for exams, freelancers tapping away at their keyboards, couples whispering sweet nothings over steaming mugs of coffee. I was so engrossed in my work that I barely noticed the world around me. That is, until she walked in.

Her name was Sage.

She was unlike anyone I had ever seen. She had a wild mane of long, silky hair that seemed to have a life of its own, and her eyes were a vibrant green that reminded me of a forest in springtime. She wore a simple white dress that contrasted with her sun-kissed skin, and she moved with a grace that was captivating.

I watched as she ordered her coffee - a double espresso, no sugar - and took a seat at the table next to mine. She pulled out a sketchbook and began to draw, her hand moving effortlessly across the page. I found myself mesmerized by her, by the way she seemed so at peace in her own world.

I mustered up the courage to speak to her. "Excuse me," I said, my voice sounding more nervous than I would have liked. "I couldn't help but notice your drawing. It's really good."

She looked up, her green eyes meeting mine. For a moment, I was lost in them. Then she smiled, a warm, genuine smile that made my heart skip a beat. "Thank you," she said. Her voice was soft, yet confident. "I'm Sage."

"Milo," I replied, returning her smile. We fell into easy conversation, talking about everything from art to our shared love of disney movies. She was witty and intelligent, and I found myself drawn to her in a way I had never experienced before.

As the afternoon turned into evening, I realized I had completely forgotten about my paper. But I didn't care. I was too engrossed in Sage, in her stories, in her laughter. I knew then that this was the beginning of something special.


And that's how I met Sage. On a typical Tuesday afternoon, in a crowded coffee shop. And so, our story continued. Two souls, brought together by chance, falling in love in a bustling city. It was unexpected, unplanned. But it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

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