5 - Time Passes.

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It's been 6 months since Sage has been gone. I just sit here thinking- just wondering why it had to be her to go. Then I remembered... I never said it back.

I sat there for a long time, staring at the spot where we last hung out. I felt a deep sense of regret and sadness. I knew that I would never get the chance to tell her how I felt. Sage knew I was falling for her, but she never got to find out how much I really loved her.

I stood up and started to walk back to the house. As I walked, I thought about all the things I would have done differently if I had known that Sage was going to disappear. I would have told her how much I loved her. I would have spent more time with her. I would have made her laugh. I would have saved every last moment we had together.

I reached the house and went inside. I went to my room and lay down on the bed. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that Sage was still here. I tried to imagine her smile, her laugh, her touch.

I fell asleep and dreamed of her. In my dream, she was here and we were together. We were happy. We walked hand in hand along the shore, the waves crashing gently against our feet. The sun painted golden streaks across the horizon as we strolled along, leaving footprints in the soft sand. I wished Sage was still here- I remember the fun we had so well.

I slowly opened my eyes the next morning, got out of bed and went to the window. I looked out at the world and smiled. I knew that it would be okay and she'd come home soon. I had her love to carry me through.

The next few months were difficult. I had to learn to live without her. I had to learn to cope with the pain of her loss. But I knew that Sage would want me to be happy. She would want me to live my life to the fullest.

So I tried. I tried to spend more time with my friends and family. I tried to do the things that I used to love doing. I tried to live my life again.

It wasn't easy. There were times when I felt like I was drowning in my grief. But I kept going and I kept trying. I knew that she would be proud of me.

One day, I was walking through the park when I saw a little girl playing in the distance. She had the same long, silky hair as her. She was laughing and running around, just like Sage used to do. I smiled and thought to myself, "Sage would have loved this."

I sat down on a bench and watched the little girl play. I felt a sense of peace as my mind began to relax and  take in the beauty of this world- with or without Sage here. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt her presence all around me. I knew that she was with me, in my heart.

In that moment, a gentle breeze swept through the park, causing the leaves to rustle and dance. I started to cry and opened my eyes. I stood up and started to walk away. As I walked, that same breeze brushed against my cheeks, almost wiping away the tears that had fallen. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of comfort, as if Sage was trying to console me. The weight that had been burdening my soul seemed to ease, replaced by a tiny glimmer of hope. As I continued my walk, the sunlight filtered through the trees, casting light shadows on the path before me. The birds sang a sweet melody, their voices intertwining with the rustling leaves creating a symphony of nature's embrace.

I finally reached home and kicked my shoes off at the door. I went straight upstairs climbed up onto my bed, sinking into the softness of the mattress. Closing my eyes, I let the memory of my last dream wash over me, replaying it as vividly as possible. In my dream, I found myself standing on a vast, open field, surrounded by vibrant, blooming flowers of every color imaginable. The scent of their delicate petals filled the air, filling my senses with a comforting and familiar feeling. It felt like Sage was here. As I stood there, the sun gently warming my skin, a gentle breeze brushed against my cheeks, carrying with it whispers of forgotten conversations and laughter. I remember it so vividly- the feeling of pure joy and tranquility, like all my worries and burdens had been removed from the world.

When I woke up I had a change of heart. I decided I am not going to drown in my sorrows or feel guilty everyday- I've been doing that for the last 6 months. I decided to try harder. I made a promise to myself to chase after that feeling of joy and tranquility, no matter how elusive it seemed.

I realized that if I could dream it, then surely I could find it in reality too. This dream I had felt diffrent- it was different. It felt as almost someone was controlling it or trying to send me a message. This dream felt real. This dream gave me hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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