Journey Through Self-Discovery

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I'm the problem. That's what I've come to realize, as I've grown older but not any wiser. Life has a way of turning midnight into afternoon when my dark thoughts take over. It's like they work the night shift, and I'm left alone with them.

I can't help but think about all the people I've pushed away, like ghosts standing in the room, their absence haunting me. I know now that I shouldn't be left to my own devices because they come with consequences, and I end up in trouble.

It's a story as old as time itself. I've had nightmares where I wake up screaming, imagining the day when someone I care about leaves me because they're tired of my schemes. It's a fear that shakes me to my core, and I hope it never becomes a reality.

I look in the mirror and try to face myself, but it's hard. Instead, I'd rather stare at the sun, avoiding my reflection. It feels like everyone else is leading a charmed life, like they're all attractive and innocent, while I'm just a monster on the hill. I'm too big to fit in, slowly drifting away from the city of happiness. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm selfish, pretending to help others but really just seeking praise.

My life is a puzzle, and I'm struggling to put the pieces together. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm the source of my problems. It's not easy, but acknowledging it is the first step toward change. I hope to find a way to grow wiser with age, to shake off the darkness that plagues my nights, and to mend the relationships I've broken.

This is my journey of self-discovery, a path filled with fears, regrets, and the hope that one day I'll become a better person.

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