Echoes of Remorse

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I often wish I could disappear, just like the sky. In those moments, I try to hide my tears, concealing them from the world. It's as if I'm on a quest to find my way back to a familiar path, even if it means making mistakes along the way. If only I could hear that beloved voice once more, calling my name. But I don't want to see her for the last time, nor do I want to accept her departure. I sometimes wonder if God is keeping an eye on her. She was always so proud, carrying her burdens silently within her chest. She left behind tears that never fell before. God, even now, I can feel the remorse in the air. The sobs go unnoticed, and there's no farewell spoken.

So many stories awaken in my eyes as I wander through city after city. I'm constantly besieged by unasked questions, entangled in the web of calculations. My heart still longs for the touch of those hands, sheltered within the shade. And the unsaid words resurface from time to time. Even today, amidst the celebrations and commotion, I search for that familiar tune. I don't want to admit defeat - not yet. God, please watch over her. She carries a heavy heart, concealed beneath her exterior. She returned like a flood, even before her time. God, remorse still haunts us all. In our silent cries, we bid no goodbyes.

So many stories remain awake in our eyes, city after city. Unasked questions continue to pester us, caught up in calculations. My heart still yearns for those hands in the shade, fingers intertwined. And her words are still spoken from time to time. In the midst of the festivities and the crowd, I search for that familiar melody. But I won't admit defeat - not yet.

In the face of trials and tribulations, I wish I could fade away, just like the vast sky. I silently wipe away the tears that well up in my eyes, wishing for what I desire. I still search for the familiar turns in the road I once knew so well. If only I could mistakenly hear that beloved voice call out to me. I don't want to see her for the last time, and I don't want to accept her departure. God, please keep an eye on her. She carried her burdens silently, hiding her feelings deep within. She left behind tears that had never fallen before. Even now, the world is filled with remorse, and silent cries echo.

As I journey through city after city, I can't help but wonder about the stories that remain in our eyes. Unspoken questions weigh us down, tangled in the web of calculations. My heart still longs for those hands, intertwined in the shadows. And her words resurface from time to time. Even in the midst of celebrations and the hustle and bustle, I continue to search for that familiar melody. I refuse to admit defeat.

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