Chapter 14: Timetagger

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Connor POV

In the park, Etta and Ella were playing soccer with Dante and I while Alya and Isabella were playing Freestyle  Clash II.

"Alya's on the line, I rise and shine.When I pick up the mic like this game is mine. Fake MC's can't catch my flow.'Cause I whip up the beat with each word I throw!" the ombre-haired girl raps before passing the phone to Isabella.

"Isabella Cimarosa coming on the scene. So do as I say and bow down to the queen. I send many girls into a violent frenzy. But all that proves is that they're green with envy!"

I clapped at their performance as the two girls bowed. Chris, Nino's younger brother walks over to them with a grumpy expression, sitting down with a hmph.

"What's up? You don't wanna play with my sisters, Dante and Connor anymore?" Alya asks.

"I'm not a baby anymore." Chris told her, "Can I play Freestyle Clash II with you?"

Good grief. I almost forgot how much of a pain he is.

Suddenly, a group of pigeon swarmed the sky.

"Not again." Isabella sighed.

"We can never catch a break, can we?" I added.

"Connor! Isabella!" Adrien calls as he runs over to us.

"Alya, can you take care of my brother and Chris for a moment?" I asked.

"Sure thing, C. You and Isabella can go."



As we arrived, we saw Mr Pigeon again, causing chaos with his pigeons. The three of us heaved a sigh of dismay as Bianfu arrived.

"If you don't give me your Miraculous, this pigeon-iron will crash down on the Louvre pyramid and give all the tourists inside it perfectly flat socks! Pigeons have a right to culture too." the akumatized villain makes pigeon noises.

"I'd rather fight Wolvesbane than this bird obsessed joker." I sighed.

"I'd take Horrificator any day." Cat Noir replied.

"I'm good with Swarm." Coccinellidae commented.

"And I'd rather be curb stomped by Stoneheart a thousand times than here this clown makes pigeon noises." Bianfu added.

"Let's just get this over with. Wolf Fist" 

"Lucky Charm."


Timeskip (After the fight because I couldn't be bothered)

After defeating Mr Pigeon, he reverted back to Mr Ramier. "Huh? Huh? Please don't tell me it happened again."

I nodded and helped him up.

"It's okay, Mr. Ramier. We'll always be here to bring you back to the good side." Coccinellidae reassured him.

"Hmm." the man scratches the back of his head before spotting André's ice cream, "Can I buy you four ice cream to make up for it?"

I checked my pendant smiled. "We got loads of time. Why not?"

"I agree. it's been a while since went to Andre's cart." Bianfu added.

The five of us sat down to have our ice cream. Chat Noir and Coccinellidae smiled as they shared their ice cream.

"I'm really sorry, I just can't help it. Whenever something happens to my beloved pigeons, it breaks my heart and-"

"Water under the bridge, Mr Ramier. No matter how many times you get akumatized, we'll always be there to help you out." I responded.

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