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a/n : the first few chapter of this book will focus on y/n and cyno's past :>

Her lilac dress drag on the grass as she walks around the paradise.

The Greater Lord is truly one wonderful being. Her unreal talent and wisdom never cease to amaze her.

"Oh! Welcome, (y/n).."

The tall figure bow down before the greater. With her right hand on her chest, she bowed with respect, "Good morning, Rukkh. "

Soft chuckles echoes around the walls of the fortress. "Now, now..no need to be so formal with me~"

"Lift your head up, my dear friend..there is no need to view as none other than your ally"

"Please, have a seat. "

Footsteps pressed against the marble floor. The wooden carving on the chair's leg screeched as it was pulled back.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Her delicate fingers gently put down the cup onto the table. With hesitations, she looked up at the female before her.

"The Forbidden Knowledge..The condition of the dessert dwellers has gone worse, it seems that..I may not be able to hold on any lo—"

The room was filled with silence as soon as two hands slammed onto the table; tumbling the cutleries onto the cold floor.

"DON'T- finish..that sentence. Surely, there must be something—"

The words spoken by her was cut short when pale fingers wrapped around her wrist. Clasping them together, she looked into her eyes, deep into her heart. After all, 'the eyes is the window to one's soul ' as they say.

"There's no need to be so furious, (y/n). I've expected this to happen eventually..although, I need you to do something for me "

Short sniffles stopped as her eyes stared back with determination.

"Say the word and I shall do it for you, my highness.."

M back :}

•♡ No other heart ♡•♡ Fem!Reader x Cyno ♡•♡ Part II ♡Where stories live. Discover now